TUS Key Positions

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As the famous quote goes,

Two Hands Are Better Than One.

We also need people, hard-working, sincere people, who can do the work, and uphold the community.
For these posts, there is a viable limit.

How to apply: There is a link present on the end of our profile description. The link named 'Form 2a' is for these positions.


1. Manager (01/01):- The manager will be responsible for all the tasks that are being done. When all the Admins give their reports to them, they than have to send it to the Founder and the Co-founder. They have to determine, that all Admins, are doing their respective tasks, and not just sitting idly. They are the neck, and the respiratory section, of the community and have to complete all their tasks, smoothly and efficiently.

They have the power of firing an Admin, if they think so, but first informing about it to the Founder.

They have the power of firing an Admin, if they think so, but first informing about it to the Founder

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Head Admin

2. Head Admin(01/03):- Head Admins are resposible for making all the Admins, do their respective tasks. They should be punctual, when giving reports to the Manager, and should only tell crystal clear truths. They should take responsiblity of their own actions, and If an Admin is not working upto the expectations, the Head Admim has the power to report him/her to the Manager for, kicking him/her out.

3. Book Club Admins (00/08):- The Admin's of the bookclub has the responsibility to make or break the book club (more on book clubs will come up next). They have to take the reports of the book club's exchange and pair reviewing. They have to make sure that the book club is working smoothly, and new members are being added. If someone is not upto the mark, they can report them to the Head Admin.

 If someone is not upto the mark, they can report them to the Head Admin

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Some qualities to display;

-Your personality should be flexible.
-You should be a multi-tasker.
-You know how to manage a bunch of people while doing tasks.
-You should be sincere and trustworthy.
-You should be reliant and supportive.

Au revoìr,


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