♕ 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳 ♕

55 12 13

I stare blankly at the pavement in front of me, my bottom becoming sore from sitting too long. My train seems to be behind schedule today, which I didn't mind. It's been two days since I last saw Nolan, he hasn't been coming to the train station. He dropped me off at work the morning after and has since disappeared, I didn't even get a number from him but he did take mine. He went poof off the face of the Earth. My eyes scan the train station every couple minutes hoping to see him, but to my disappointment, he was never there.

I gave up looking for him when my train finally arrived, it's screeching wheels filling the air and replacing the what was once calming silence. I find a seat in the almost packed cart today, for some reason, there were more people today than the past few days. I catch myself looking around at the people around me, hoping to see Nolan somewhere in between them. Every rider's body moved and shook with the movements of the train. The humming of the engine filling my ears, calming my body, and relaxes me as I closed my eyes.


My phone vibrates in my hand, startling me just as I was about to doze off. I flip it over to see who's calling me and to my surprise, it's a random number. I answer the call but don't make a sound for a couple of seconds, waiting for the person on the other end to speak first, and when they don't I take that as my queue to speak.

"Hello?" I speak lowly, but loud enough so they can hear.

"I missed you, princess." the deep, and familiar voice that I have been longing to hear fills my ears.

"N-Nolan? Hey..." the words finally rush out of my mouth, my face becoming hot as the memories from the other night come back to me.

"Wait for me at the train station, I'll come to pick you up." and he ends the call there. No goodbye, and no explanation as to where he was, but that still did not stop the excitement bubbling up inside me. I waited anxiously for my stop, the train slowing down and the doors slowly opening while I waited impatiently to get off.

Stepping outside, the warm summer air rushing me like a slap in the face. My eyes scanned the train's waiting area, looking for Nolan. I walk to the stairs and take my time going down, my eyes still searching for him. I find a place to stand

"LEANNE!" I hear a familiar voice calling me, I turned in its direction to be met with a very happy looking Nolan, a wide smile plastered on his face. He jogs towards me and instantly hooks his arm around my waist for a hug, his body envelopes mine for what seemed the longest.

"Where have you been?" I pull away and look at him in the eyes, a look of surprise all over his face. I take a step back, regaining my personal space, but keeping my eyes on him while doing so.

"I didn't think you would care too much, but I got my car back, it was in the shop getting fixed." he shrugs his shoulders, then turns around facing away from to lead us back to his apartment. I stayed quiet after that and followed his lead, watching his feet and trying to match my steps with his. The loud rumbling of a train passing by dulls the silence, deafening any passerby. The walk was silent, just like last time, I don't think he's much of a talker, only saying what needs to be said. He looks over his shoulder at me to make sure I was okay then turns back around and continues forward.

Arriving at his door, he opens it and lets me enter first, his eyes again watching me. After dropping his keys off on the coffee table, he goes into his bathroom and shuts the door, a short time after the shower turns on.

"LEANNE," I heard him yelling my name from inside the bathroom, the door opens slightly when I get near.

"Yeah?" I say as I poke my head inside only to see Nolan standing next to the shower with nothing on but boxers. My eyes automatically go to the one place I shouldn't have been looking at, making him laugh out loud.

"Come in with me," he nods in the direction of the shower before pulling his last piece of clothing off without warning. My eyes widened in 'aw' at what I was seeing but quickly looking away before he saw me staring. Turning my back to him, I begin to take off clothes until I had nothing on, the warm steam of the shower touching my skin. I turn to him with my arms covering my chest, his eyes taking in every part of me like it was his first time seeing me.

I push the curtain to the side and enter, allowing the hot water to soak me while Nolan got in after me. I could feel his hands running up and down my waist, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. He turns me around to face him, bringing his lips to mine, his hands move from my face and down to my hips, pulling me closer to him. The hot water beating at my back as I press up against him, our lips not separating once. His hands slip to my ass, with a soft squeeze he pulls my body flush against his, leaving no space in between us. I pull away, breathless and flustered. I lean my forehead against his taking in the look of lust building in his eyes.

"God, you're perfect," he breathes out, a smile wide on his lips. He pulls away completely, reaching for the bar of soap next to him and lathers it in between his hands.

"Turn around," and I do so, and instantly feel the soap being massaged into my back. His hands started at my shoulders and slowly move down my back and down to my waist. He keeps his hands there for a while longer before proceeding lower, his hands squeezing and rubbing me.

"Nolan...what is this?" I ask, watching him climb out of the tub and wrap a towel quickly around his waist.

"What do you mean?" answering with a question, he raises an eyebrow at me. He grabs another towel, handing it to me. I wrap myself with it, the once warm air now cold against my skin.

"Us. What is us?" I let out a small huff, annoyed that he didn't understand the first time.

"Oh," he chuckled lowly, "you're mine, princess." he throws me a look over his shoulder as he leaves the bathroom. I follow him into his room, the cool air rushing me, raising goosebumps on my skin. I turn away from him when he drops his towel, not comfortable with looking at his bare ass. I feel a shirt hit the back of my head and slowly fall to the ground, I turn back around to see him smiling big, a smile forming of my own.

"You ass," I say out loud as I bend over and pick up the shirt, dropping the towel, and quickly pulling it over my head. He raises his arms over his head, his sweat pants falling lower on his waist with every step he took towards me. His dark eyes on me again, this time something different lingers in them, making me warm inside. He wraps his arms around me, resting his chin at the top of my head, my face buried into his chest. I liked this...

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