♕ 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 ♕

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 A loud banging echoes throughout the apartment, waking both Nolan and me up. He lets out a grunt of irritation before rolling out of bed, sleep still heavy on his face. He makes his way to the door only in boxers, not worrying to grab a pair of pants on his way there. A couple of seconds the sound of the locks turning was heard followed by the door opening.

"Nolan, baby I missed you!" my eyes widened, at what I heard. It was another female, voice loud with excitement at seeing Nolan at the door.

"Anyah, what the fuck?" his angry voice quickly followed hers, he didn't sound too pleased to be seeing her. I sit up balancing myself on my elbows, my body becoming numb with anxiety. Getting out of bed, I rush to find pants, quickly settling for one of his boxers. I make my way out into the living room, my eyes quickly landing on the girl standing in front of Nolan. Her back was to me so all I could see was her black hair, pulled up in a slick ponytail, her head turned to me and our eyes met. With a wide smile on her lips, she turns to Nolan with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, this is why you haven't been answering me?" she points a manicured finger at me, her eyes still trained on him. A blank expression sits on his face, knowing what is going to happen already, he then shakes his head and reaches for Anyah's upper arm and forces her out of the apartment. Locking the door, he leans his forehead against the wood, letting out what seemed like a sigh of relief.

"Bitch never gets the hint," he says with his back still to me. I was still standing in the same spot, what just happened still registering in my head. So that's his ex? My eyes look up from the floor, watching him, observing his behavior. He turns his head in my direction, flashing me a smile that makes my stomach tingle.

"She's your ex?" I say as I walk towards him, wrapping my arms around his torso and looking up at him.

"Not really, she was just someone that was...available," he says then softly placing a kiss on my forehead. We stay standing there for a little while longer, his chin resting on my head and my face buried into his chest. He unwraps his arms from around my head, pulling away, no longer feeling the warmth of his body. What if I'm just another 'available' girl? A frown makes its way on my face, I begin to regret everything.

"I need to go home in a little bit, I have a lot of cleaning to get to," I say while walking back into the room, taking off the clothes I borrowed from him and slipping on the ones from yesterday. He stood in the room's doorway, eyes not leaving my body once. Running to the bathroom I washed my face and I grabbed my phone and keys then turned to him, signaling for him to step aside. Just by the look on his face I just know that he knows exactly why I am leaving. I didn't want to be just another 'available' girl.

I push past him and make my way to the door, he follows me not far behind. Just as I was about to open the door he slams it shut. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, then turn to him with my arms crossed and a raised eyebrow. He stares down at me, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed.

"You're mad?" he asks the obvious, only making me roll my eyes.

"Is it obvious?" I ask back.

"Well, you make it pretty obvious, he takes his hand off the door and crosses them over his chest, mimicking me. I use that as an opportunity to swing the door open and walk myself out of there. Halfway down the hall, I hear his door slamming loudly making me jump. I push my legs to keep going, out of the building, and all the way home. Who does he think he is? Getting mad because I'm mad, tuh.

Entering my apartment, I drop down on my couch, letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I lay there, staring at my ceiling, counting all the cracks and bumps over the white paint. I shouldn't have let it go on this far, the first time should have been the last. But what if he likes me...No, no. He doesn't even know me. Why was I so willing to let him touch me like that? I let out a sigh of frustration, throwing my arm over my eyes. I hated this...

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