Quirks and the First Meeting

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Izuku Midoriya (Age 4)

3rd Person View

Here we are, at 6:29am, in a bedroom. More specifically, the bedroom of Izuku Midoriya. Today is a special day, a day that will decide the fate of young Izuku. A day that will determine where he stands in the world.

Today is Izuku Midoriya's birthday, more importantly the day he finds out about his quirk and if he even has one.

As soon as it hit 6:30, little Midoriya shot up as if he had been possessed with a crazed smile, so all things considered he might well have been possessed. But alas, he was not. He just so happened to have been extremely hyper even though he has just arisen (We don't question him, he is an eldritch God and you can't change my mind), this was due to the fact Izuku Midoriya was a quirk fanatic and has waited for this day as soon as he learnt of quirks and the wonders of what they are capable of.

Izuku shot out of bed and in a matter of seconds launched through his parent's door like a ballistic missile and launched on top of his parent's bed.

"MOM! MOM! MOM! DAD! DAD! DAD!" Izuku began to chant at the older Midoriyas, "GET UP! Come on, up, up, up. We're gonna find out my quirk today."

His dad, Hisashi Midoriya, rolled off of his bed hitting the floor whilst grumbling. However his mum, Inko Midoriya, slowly sat up and smiled sweetly at her son as she slowly woke up.

"Ignore your dad he's just tired and don't worry sweetie we will be having breakfast and I'll take you to the doctors soon after." Inko said calmly, as her husband still laid on the floor face down, grumbling nonsense.

The Midoriyas got up and Inko made breakfast for the family of 3 as Hisashi downed his second cup of pure black coffee, and Izuku vibrated in his seat.

Finally, the time came, and 2 of the Midoriyas left for the doctors whilst the dad got on the train to work.

Inko and little Izuku after a short drive, arrived at the doctors and proceeded to sign in at the receptionist for their appointment, and headed to the waiting area which was filled with other excited children and their parents.

Izuku sat and looked around the room and looked at the other children waiting for their time, he spotted a few kids with mutation quirks.

One was a boy that had rocks on different parts of his skin, another was a boy with one eye and was a bit bigger than most 4 year olds, most likely meaning increased strength, and another kid was a girl who was sitting in the play area and had a pair of white rabbit ears who proceeded to look at him and smile, of course the sunshine boy smiled back.

Izuku asked his mum, "Can I go play mum? please..", to which she replied, "Of course you can Izu."

Izuku quickly walked over to the play area and proceeded to casually approach the child.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya, you can call me Izuku, nice to meet you." He said happily as he would jump at any chance to make a new friend.

"Hi Izuku, I'm Rumi Usagiyama, but you can call me Rumi, as my last names a bit hard to say (It's not but it takes effort to write so I will mostly just say Rumi). Wanna play?" She replied.

The two proceeded to play together as they engaged in small talk, until Izuku brought up the topic of heroes. Which led to Rumi proudly announcing, "I'm gonna be a hero no matter what, what about you?"

To which Izuku enthusiastically replied, "Of course I want to be a hero! They are so cool and I'd love to help people. I hope my quirk is cool like All Might's, I'm sure your quirks abilities are great, you already look so cool!", which he then followed up with his muttering spree about all the different possibilities of Rumi's quirk's abilities and the types of quirk he might have.

Meanwhile, Rumi stared in confusion about what he was saying and how he was talking so fast, even the parts she did hear she still didn't understand half of what the words he said meant. So she did the normal thing and flicked his forehead and asked, "What on Earth was that?"

"O-oh.. S-sorry about that I-I do t-that from time t-to time... s-sorry." He said looking down embarrassed about his muttering outbreak.

"Don't worry it was kind of cool." Rumi replied.

Before they could continue or say more, the doctor came out and called out Rumi's name.

As she got up she bid her farewell, "Bye Izuku, hope we meet again", and proceeded to walk to the doctor with her parents who were wearing suits.

As soon as they went out of Izuku's eyesight he went over to his mum and sat with her as they awaited their turn, his and Rumi's appointments were the last of the group meaning him and his mum sat alone in the waiting room due to the doctor having his break after Izuku's appointment.

Finally, Rumi and her parents came out of the room and Rumi waved goodbye to Izuku as they left, of course he waved back at her.

The doctor came out, "And finally the Midoriyas. Please come in.", he said as he gave them room to enter the testing area.

"Alright, all we need to do is do a couple of tests to see what Izuku's quirk is and see what it's type is, so please follow me." The doctor said as he led them to a couple of areas as they did a few tests and waited for the results whilst sitting in the doctors office, which took about 40 minutes overall.

"Now Mrs. Midoriya, your son here does indeed have a quirk. From what we can see he has a transformation and emitter quirk. However we are unable to tell what it is like and what it does due to no physical changes but we do have a name, the quirk is called "Neon Tiger". Now then Izuku can you try to focus and call upon your quirk as much as you can so we can see what it is like?" The doctor stated.

Izuku closed his eyes and focus and called out to his quirk trying to see if he can bring it out.

With challenge, he finally found a feeling and pulled upon it, he sprung his eyes open and saw that his body was covered in neon purple and neon green stripes. He threw his arms up and let out a cheer.

Inko smiled happily at her son, seeing him happy always made her happy.

The doctor looked at Izuku and studied him, "Interesting, is this all you can call forward?"

Izuku nodded at him, "Ok then, that just means that we aren't able to see the rest of your quirk yet. Not to worry though, that is all the information we can give you, so far. So good luck to the two of you and I shall see you another time.", the doctor said as he led them out back into the waiting area.

The two Midoriyas proceeded to thank the doctor and began to head home for the day.

**Just so you all know, in my AU the quirk analysts and tests are unable to pick up anything non-physical about quirks (like transformation and emitter quirks with no physical changes in their non-activated form) but they are able to only pick up physical differences caused by quirks, like Katsuki's nitroglycerine sweat or Rumi's increase in leg muscles (etc.), these allow them to make guesses to the different abilities of quirks. Hence why they are unable to know anything other than Izuku's quirks name (Quirks pick their own names in this AU) as his quirk doesn't make any changes to his own body when his quirk is not activated (His healing has to be unlocked through him training his quirk or repeated bodily harm).**

(Well, that's all for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed!)

Chapter minus A/N = 1236 words

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