Descent into Hell

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(Just a warning, a bit of swearing.)

Izuku Midoriya (Age 4)

Night-Time After Quirk Test

3rd Person View

Izuku and Inko Midoriya are now sitting in the living room of the Midoriya's flat. They had gotten back from the doctors office earlier and found out all they could test with Izuku's quirk.

The two Midoriyas are awaiting the return of the father of the family from work so that they could show him Izuku's quirk. Inko sat happily as she watched her son practically vibrate in his seat as he sat staring intently at the door waiting for his father to arrive.

The two Midoriyas heard the jingle of keys before the door started to be unlocked and opened. In stepped Hisashi Midoriya with his usual tired scowl on his face.

"Dad! Me and mum found out what my quirk is! It's so cool!" Izuku screeched at his father as soon as he stepped foot in the household.

Hisashi Midoriya visibly brightened up at the word of his son getting a quirk. He replied quickly with more enthusiasm than he has had in years, "Really? What is it?"

"It's called 'Neon Tiger', all we know now is that I can do this!" Little Izuku said as he activated the 'Neon Tiger' stripes all over his body, as he let off one of his pure smiles.

"Is that it?" Hisashi replied as his previous excited smile turned into an obvious fake one, of course Izuku didn't pick up on this due to his over excitement to show his quirk to his father.

"So far yes, sweetie why don't you go tuck yourself in for bed whilst I talk to dad" Inko interrupted before Izuku could reply.

"Okay! Night mum, night dad." He replied, "Night son." Hisashi replied still wearing his fake smile.

Izuku skipped out of the front room and into his room and prepared to go to sleep. Meanwhile in the front room his parents sat with Inko glaring at her scowling husband.

"What kind of reaction was that?!" Inko interrogated her husband.

"What kind of quirk is that?!" Hisashi retorted, "It's pathetic! Therefore, HE is pathetic!"

Inko was infuriated, "You dare say that about our son, the child that we have spent years raising!"

"You mean YOUR son he isn't mine anymore, he is a pathetic, little shit! All I wanted in life was a son that could be a hero so that I could retire, but noooo, He just had to be worthless!" Hisashi ranted.

Inko was appalled at what the man she loved was saying... The man she no longer wants in her and Izuku's life.

"Get out! You sly bastard, get out of my house and never come back or even try to interfere in our lives ever again!" Inko screeched at the wretched man in front of her.

"Fine! I will just find someone else that can give me the perfect child, and not the pathetic wreck of a thing you call a son!" Hisashi shouted as he packed his bags preparing to leave.

"Your sick, you monster!" Inko shouted at Hisashi as he left.

"Expect to find the divorce papers soon you bitch!" Hisashi shouted as he slammed the door shut.

That night Inko cried herself to sleep... But she wasn't the only one.

Little Izuku heard everything, he heard every last word his father said about him. He was, to put it simply, sad, but more importantly he began to think that it was all his fault.

The now household of two was silent apart from the cries of its inhabitants as they slowly fell asleep into a dreamless abyss.

The next day at school

Izuku is now seen walking into his classroom with a forlorn expression and aura.

This was, of course, noticed by his best friend Kacchan, also known as Katsuki Bakugo.

Bakugo immediately walked up to his friend to see what was wrong.

"Hey Izu, what's wrong?" Bakugo asked.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway I got my quirk!" Izuku said to Bakugo as to not be a bother to his friend.

"Cool! What is it?! Obviously it's not as good as mine but still." Bakugo asked getting excited as they could finally become heroes together.

"It's this!" Izuku shouted as he activated his quirk and as neon purple and green stipes covered his whole body.

"Cool! What else can it do?" Bakugo asked his friend. However, he instantly noticed that his friend lost his smile, "Wait... That's all you can do."

Izuku just looked down and let off a subtle nod.

"So, it's useless." Bakugo said.

This instantly caused Izuku to raise his head and stare bug-eyed at his friend.

"Then that means... your useless... A deku." Bakugo said as he slowly turned and walked away.

Izuku was too shell shocked to do anything but stare at the empty space where his best 'friend' previously stood.

This was just the beginning of what was to come. Word of his useless quirk spread around quickly, and with most people blindly following the star pupil, Katsuki Bakugo, people began to isolate Izuku.

By lunch time, everyone was avoiding him, so there he sat, alone on a bench, staring blankly at his empty lunchbox that he forgot to pack.

Nothing was going his way, and there was still something worse to come.

And the worst was about to start now.

Katsuki Bakugo just got his two closest lackeys, or as he calls them, extras, together and is now seen stalking towards Izuku as he set off sparks in the palms of his hands.

He was angry, to say the least. He couldn't believe it. His friend, the only person he would actually call a friend, betrayed him.

They promised each other that they would become heroes together, the best heroes of all time.

But here his so-called friend was, with a useless, pathetic quirk that would only make him a burden to everyone around him.

That was all he was, a burden. And what do you do to burdens? You dispose of them.

So that's what he would do. Dispose of him.

Of course he wasn't going to kill him, he wasn't a lunatic, he is also still only four years old. All he was going to do was put him in his place, make sure he knows how much of a burden he was and how weak and useless he was.

So how do you do that, well, simple. You beat them. You beat them so that they know they have no chance, as they can't even protect themselves.

So, that's what he did... He beat Izuku for the first time, left him on the ground covered in bruises and threatened him not to tell anyone what happened and all that happened was that he fell over.

This was the Beginning of hell for Izuku, and this was only the first beating of the wave that was to come.

(Sorry for the long wait, I have just been getting the back into the gist of things and fell behind on writing. Anyway, hope you enjoyed I shall try to get out another chapter soon!")

Chapter minus A/N = 1157 words

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