The Depths of Hell

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(The art above is made by "GuD0c" on DeviantArt, they are quite talented when it comes to art, so check them out!)

Sorry for the VERY late chapter. A lot has happened over these months that has stopped me from writing this story for you all, or even touching Wattpad, there had to be a quick visit to A&E and a lot of other stuff has come up, so yeah. But I shall try my best to make time to write but there is no way I can make a promise that might not be able to be kept, stuff is still going on, but I shall try. Anyway, sorry for the rant, enjoy the chapter.

Also it is a bit gory near the end.

Izuku Midoriya (Age 11)

3rd Person View

Izuku Midoriya has gone through the wringer for the past 7 years. It has been HELL. Beating after beating. Both physical and verbal.

And it shows. The hundreds of bruises and scrapes that are constantly covering his body. His slowly deteriorating confidence and mind.

He is beginning to hate school.

That's right, Izuku Midoriya, the nerd of the century, is starting to hate school.

Over the years the beatings and verbal assault has only gotten worse, not only in the severity but also the amount of times it happens in a day.

Now there are at least 3 beatings per day.

They even do it in class, and the teacher does nothing, probably because of them not wanting to stain the name of the main tormentor.

Katsuki Bakugo, also known as Kacchan to Midoriya.

He was the one to start the beatings, he even turned his classmates against him and gave him the nickname of 'Deku'.

But why don't the teachers stop him.

Because he has a powerful quirk and is the prodigy of the school, as simple as that.

This is just a brief catch up of the last several years of Midoriya's life. However, the worst event, so far, is about to occur.

Midoriya is currently being chased down the streets of Musutafu.

You're may be wondering by who, if you are then you are a fool as it is the most obvious answer, Katsuki Bakugo aka Kacchan.

And for some reason, Midoriya's existence appeared to offend Bakugo more than it usually does.

And with Kacchan was his 2 main lackeys, Tsubasa and Fingers (Don't know his name, but the one from the beginning of BNHA that can extend his fingers, so I have decided to dub him as Fingers. Also Tsubasa is the kid with red wings.).

Midoriya was just walking out of the school gates after another horrible day at school when he saw Bakugo and his lackeys deciding to approach. I say approach but in reality they started charging him.

Hence the current situation of Midoriya and the bullies sprinting down the road in an intense chase, dodging and weaving through the groups of people on the street.

All was going well for the first minute or so, but of course that wouldn't last.

To put it bluntly, Midoriya is unfit and this was only made worse with the beatings. So it was no surprise that after the first minute of sprinting he was beginning to struggle.

So he had no choice but to wish for luck and dash through some alleyways.

Sadly for Midoriya there is no such thing as luck, as shown by the fact that the first alleyway he tried to cut through happened to be a dead-end.

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