No more late-night streams

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Hana Song, world-famous meka-pilot, gaming champion, and streamer. She had it all. She was a hero, celebrity, famous esports player, and an inspiration for all girls who wanted to go pro in gaming. She had everything.

The only thing she didn't have was sleep.

The last couple of days she had been streaming for her fans while staying at the watchpoint Gibraltar base. Everything from the meka base had been transported over here so Hana could feel more at home.

Han streamed several different games. Mario kart and super smash bros with the entire crew back in Busan. She streamed some meka guardian five and 16-bit hero. Now she was streaming a horror game from back in the days when Reinhardt was born.

Until dawn still had good graphics despite being fifty years old, which is why Hana liked it so much. She had played the game several times, so she could focus more on her chat than the actual game itself.

Currently, it was two in the morning and the only person that would be awake at this time would be Angela.

Angela had heard Hana was screwing up her sleep schedule for streaming. Angela had warned her several times over to think of herself instead of the fans, they can always wait.

"Okay, mom." is how Hana responded.

Angela sighed, but she did warn Hana the next time she caught Hana streaming late, there would be consequences.

Hana didn't heed the warning. Now she'll pay the price.

Angela was walking back from the break room with a cup of coffee in her hands, when she noticed a flicker of light coming from under Hana's room. A frown quickly crossed the doctor's face.

Angela pulled out her all access card and swiped it. The door swished open and there was hana streaming some crazy horror game on one monitor and the chat blowing up on the other monitor.

"Hana Song, what have I told you about late night streaming?" Angela says in a stern manner.

Hana didn't bat an eye, but she did respond. "Oh, hold on one second guys, mama Angela is about to lecture me, B-R-B!"

B-R-B was quickly written on the stream. Hana muted her mic and turned her attention to The doctor. "I know what you're going to say, but I'm almost done with the stream. I'll get off soon."

Angela wasn't buying it. She crossed her arms like any mother figure would and raised a brow. "I'm getting Brigitte."

Hana's eyes widened with fear. "Now hold on there doc, you don't have to be so irrational."

Angela was having none of it. The doctor quickly left the room. Hana hopped back on her computer and unmuted her mic.

"Guys, I only have a limited amount of time before I die, I just want to let you all know that you guys are literally the best chat ever, any other chat sucks hard ass. None of you are invited to my funeral though, sorry that's a private party, VIP only." Hana says in a fake 'I'm going to die at any moment' voice. A fake panic.

The swishing of the door reopening and closing catches Hana's attention. In walked Brigitte little kitty slippers on her feet, shorts, and a tank top. Her muscles bulged as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, shit," Hana muttered. She faced her camera. "Everyone listen, The person who is about to kill me is Brigitte Lindholm. My own girlfriend is about to murder me."

Brigitte rolled her eyes and came walking into view of the camera. "Hej, everyone, I'm not here to murder anyone, that's illege. I'm simply here to take my lovely girlfriend off to bed."

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