Part one- Spaghetti Bolognase.

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Vanessa Pov-

''Three weeks!'' Emma called, entering mine and Nathan's flat. ''Till what?'' I asked, dumbfounded. She gave me a look of 'are you stupid?' before taking a seat in the living room and sighing. ''Till what? Are you stupid woman?'' She exclaimed, raising her eyebrows, as if she was giving me one last chance to guess.

Emma frowned as she looked at me. And as she pointed to her finger, I realised what she was talking about. ''The Wedding!'' I screamed. ''Of course, how did I forget that?!'' I questioned, throwing my hands up in the air, causing Emma to chuckle.

''Ey, you won't be a free woman for much longer!'' Emma winked, nudging my ribs a little. ''I know, it's scary.'' I sighed, looking out of the window, past her face. ''What do you mean, 'scary'?'' She asked, using her fingers as quotation marks. 

I shrugged in reply, not really knowing how to answer her without her taking it the wrong way. ''It's just that, I can't really imagine myself giving myself away to someone like that, you know?'' I told her. ''I mean I love Nathan a lot, clearly I do. But what if it doesn't work? Something always managed to come up before, what if this is the same?'' I wiped a single tear, the thought of it all over-whelming me.

''Don't think like that Vanessa! Of course it'll work out, this is you and Nathan! After everything you went through, who came out on top? You both did, so don't worry about stupid things like that. If you really do love him then it'll be fine.'' She reassured. Her last words played over in my head. 'If you really do love him.'

Of course I loved him. He was the sweet, beautiful kind, caring Nathan I loved. He could be a moody sod from time to time but I can live with that, I do anyway since we now share a home. Something made me unsure of all this though. Was it that Jay still looked at me in that way? Or was it the fact of fate, was this meant to be? 

''Anyway, I only came to say hi really, better get back to Max and the baby!'' Emma smiled. ''Oh yeah, how is she?'' I asked, remembering about little Leah. ''She's really great, walking and talking though, she's a nightmare!'' She laughed, me joining her. ''See you later, Van.'' She grinned, pulling me in for a tight hug when I didn't expect it. Which meant all of the air got knocked out of me. 

''See ya!'' I waved as she walked down the corridor and finally turning to walk down the stairs. Why she doesn't just take the lift, I'll never know!

Closing the door, I decided to make a start on mine and Nathan's tea as he'd be back soon from the studio. It was his and Tom's turn in there today. 

A lot has changed since the America tour. It was now four years on and both me and Nathan were 23. A bit young to get married? We didn't really wanna wait any longer. The fans all knew about me and Emma, and baby Leah, so we thought, why not? Let's get married. It was gonna happen one day anyway!

Leah was three and both Emma and Max were over the moon about her. She had brown hair, and bright blue eyes, just like Emma had. And the dark hair was from the both of them, yes Max did once have hair...

Me and Nathan had grown up a lot, we weren't the same kids we once were. We didn't play around. Our relationship was better as we'd both made the commitment of a lifetime and agreed to marriage. I knew he loved me, and I loved him so there was no need to mess around. Of course, we still play fight, we still tickle each other, we still play twister and purposely squish each other, but we don't mess around leaving and coming back over and over again, we stay together, as a couple. 

As I but the pasta on the boil, I felt his warm hands on my waist. ''I'm back.'' He whispered before his lips met my neck. ''Hey.'' I breathed, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment. ''I missed you.'' He sighed after he'd spun my round to face him. ''I'm here now.'' I smiled, putting my hand on his neck to pull his face closer to mine. Our lips met briefly before he pulled away and left me pouting.

Nathan chuckled and rest his forehead against mine. ''It's three weeks until you're my wife.'' He stated. In my head, I rolled my eyes, did I really need a constant reminder? But on the outside, I smiled. ''I know.'' I said. His lips met mine again, in a longer, sweeter kiss. 

''You know, we better get practising for our first dance?'' He smiled. ''Hmm.'' I mumbled, pushing him away from me so I could focus on getting the tea ready. ''But after dinner!'' I ordered, making him laugh as he sat at the table. ''What is it?'' He asked. ''Spaghetti bolognase.'' I replied, dishing up the pasta into two bowls. 

''My favourite.'' Nathan grinned to himself as I served up the sauce along with the pasta. ''Thank you!'' He beamed as I put a dish in front of him. I smiled as I sat opposite him and we dug in to the food. 

''So are you looking forward to the wedding?'' Nathan asked casually, stuffing his mouth with pasta and sauce. ''Course I am, it's just..'' I let my voice trail. ''It's just what?'' Nathan questioned, now turning serious and a worried expression covering his face. What I really wanted to say, is if he thought it was a good idea to get married now, but I didn't, I couldn't. 

''I'm worried that Vanessa Sykes won't sound right.'' I shrugged, covering up what I really wanted to say quite well actually. Nathan's expression relaxed and he laughed a little. ''You got me worried then, I thought you were gonna cancel on me then.'' He awkwardly stated, eating more food. 

''I wouldn't dream of it!'' I reassured him, reaching across the table to wipe some pasta sauce from around his mouth off with my thumb. He grinned, taking my hand in his across the table, his fingers playing with mine. 

''I love you.'' He smiled. ''I love you too.'' I answered, looking directly into his eyes. ''I'd kiss you but there's a table in the way.'' He shrugged, digging back into the bowl, literally cleaning off the dish. ''Wow, you were hungry!'' I gasped, looking at his empty bowl and then back at my half full one. ''Nah, it was just too good.'' He winked. ''Is there more?''

''Yeah, in the pan.'' I replied, pointing towards the cooker. He nodded and smiled, me turning my attention back to the pasta.


As we lay in bed tonight, I felt weighed down. Thoughts spun around in my head of Nathan, of Jay, and I couldn't sleep. 

One new message- Bird.

I sighed as I opened up the message, knowing what it would be along the lines of. 

We need to speak, I need to see you. 

 Sighing again, I put my phone back on charger and turned away from it, seeing Nathan asleep next to me. The smile I had before returned slightly as I saw him peacefully snoring lightly, not having a worry in the world.

But I felt bad. Jay wanted to talk to me about us. He wanted to convince me not to marry Nathan, but I wasn't going to change my mind, not now, not ever! But then I still had it in the back of my mind that maybe it was a bad idea. Then when I see Nathan's face, I'm happy again and love him even more.

Gently, I place my hand on Nathan's head and stroke his hair softly, watching him smile in his sleep. And then I pull away and lie back down, turning away from him again. But I feel him move behind me and put his arm around my waist, pulling my back against his stomach. ''Are you okay?'' He whispered through the darkness. 

I turned my head to see him leaning over me. ''Fine.'' I lied. ''I just couldn't sleep.'' I added. He nodded and kissed my head softly. ''Sorry if I woke you.'' I mumbled. ''You didn't, I wasn't really asleep.'' He winked. I chuckled and lift my head to kiss his lips. 

''Night babe.'' He smiled, laying back down behind me, keeping his arm around my waist. ''Night Nathan.'' 

*This is part one. 

I was going to wait but Emma ruined it and demanded this to be posted;)

So I dedicate this to her!;D

But yeah, the next part won't be posted for a while, maybe...

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Thanks for reading!

I love you,

Lizzie. x*

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