Part three- Forever now.

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Vanessa Pov-

Do you, Vanessa Marie Cole, take the Nathan James Sykes to be your lawful wedded husband?'' The priest questioned. I looked up into Nathan's sparkling pools of green and smiled. ''I do.'' whispered, only Nathan hearing.

''I do.'' I repeated louder so that everyone in the room could hear.

''Do you, Nathan James Sykes, take the Vanessa Marie Cole to be your lawful wedded wife?'' Nathan's smile grew wider as he looked at me. He tucked some hair from my face behind my ear and leaned down so his forehead rest against mine. ''I do.'' He stated.

''I now pronounce you husband and wife.'' The priest exclaimed. ''You may now kiss the bride.'' Nathan moved his face even closer, our lips gently brushing each other, but the priest spoke again, interrupting us.

''So after that, you'll walk down the aisle as a newly wedded couple and the guests will applaud, throw flower petals and that. You'll get in your car, drive to the reception, sign the papers and then have your after party.'' The priest smiled. Me and Nathan nodded, understanding him and then left the church.

''I can't wait for the real thing.'' Nathan grinned, taking my hand. ''Neither can I.'' I smiled, genuinely meaning it. ''You'll be mine forever.'' Nathan whispered as he pulled me into his chest.


That was a long time.

I loved Nathan, I loved him more than anything but something about that word terrified me. 'Forever' I don't know, I guess it just makes you think. Thinking of what?

The future. They say if you love someone so much, you get married to spend forever together. And Nathan was my forever. But it scared me, my eternity scared me. I'm young, I'm open and I don't want to be weighed down with responsibility. Nathan made it clear the other night that he wanted kids, and I do to, but not soon. When I'm older, when I'm fully settled.

''Are you okay?'' Nathan asked, snapping me out of my thought. ''I'm fine.'' I smiled, grabbing his hand and us walking again. ''Are you sure? You just went into your own world.'' He chuckled. ''Just thinking.'' I shrugged. I heard Nathan's breathing change, which meant he was worried.

''Of?'' He urged, probably wanting to know whether I was thinking of something stupid or worth hearing. ''The future.'' I answered him with a smile on my face, covering up half of what I was truly thinking.

''We can plan that together, it'll be perfect.'' Nathan beamed and I nodded.

''Oh, we're going over to Jay's for a party later, that okay?'' Nathan questioned. ''And you only tell me now?'' I laughed. ''I forgot.'' Nathan mumbled. ''It's fine.'' I stuck my tongue out and we got into the car that we'd finally arrived at.

Remind me to not park so far away next time!


''I'm so glad we planned outfits! We don't look so different now!'' Kelsey exclaimed as me, her and Nareesha stood talking in Jay's kitchen. ''We look pretty good if I do say so myself!'' Nareesha winked, causing us all to laugh.

''We need a picture!'' I announced, reaching into my bag to grab my phone. Jay entered the kitchen and I thrust my phone into his hand. ''Take a picture of us.'' I ordered and he nodded, saluting me.

Me, Kelsey and Nareesha stood together with our arms around each other's waist, smiling nicely for the picture.

Jay took a few photo's in that five minutes. Me and Kelsey, me and Nareesha, Nareesha and Kelsey, all of us. Smiling and pulling faces, ahh I love my girls. Emma was with Leah and Max visiting Max's parents in Manchester, that's why she's not here.

''Thanks Jay.'' I laughed, taking my phone from him as Kelsey and Nareesha left the kitchen. ''You look beautiful.'' He whispered. I gulped and and smiled slightly. ''Not too bad yourself.'' I winked, attempting to un-awkward the awkward situation I found myself in.

''Babe!'' Nathan sang, entering the kitchen and digging the knife of awkward in a little more as he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Jay sighed but followed it by a weak smile.

''I just need the loo, one minute.'' I mumbled, escaping that situation. I didn't actually need it, I just wanted to get out of there, you know?

''Y'all right Nessa?'' Tom boomed, appearing by my side. ''I'm good Parker, are you?'' I asked and he nodded with a grin on his face. ''Excited for the wedding?'' He questioned and this time, I nodded. ''Course I am!'' I laughed. ''And now tell me the truth.'' He stated, no emotion on his face.

''W-w-what do you mean?'' I stuttered. ''I know you Vanessa, I know when you're lying, when you're covering something up or whatever.'' He shrugged. ''I'm fine Tom, just fine.'' I snapped, walking away from him to be stopped again, but this time by Jay. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bedroom.

''Why did you do that?'' He questioned. ''Do what?'' I asked, pulling my eyebrows together in confusion. ''Leave the kitchen.'' He answered. ''I don't know, it was awkward and I noticed you bowing your head.'' I stated.

''You shouldn't feel the need to bow your head Jay, we're friends.'' I smiled, rubbing his arm gently. ''It's not that.'' Jay stated. ''Then what is it?'' I asked.

Jay shook his head and looked at me. ''I NEED YOU.'' He shouted. ''Why can't you fucking see how much I love you? How much I care for you and how much he doesn't? He's using you Vanessa, I can take better care of you than he can!'' Jay was screaming at me, backing me into the corner. ''Jay don't.'' I sighed, not wanting this right now.

''WHY CAN'T YOU LOVE ME?!'' Jay screamed, tears pouring from both of our eyes. ''I'm sorry-''

''Just go.'' He harshly whispered and without hesitation, I did. And as I left the room, all eyes were on me...


Hope you like it;D


I'm a bit hyper...


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Thanks for reading guyssss,

Love Lizzie. x*

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