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Days turned to weeks since he sent out the mails, and nothing came back. After his early morning prayer and the reading of his daily devotional, his next stop was his mailbox, which was always empty except for the 10k+ promotional emails from companies and people he never remembered subscribing to. 

Now that Neutra was done it was more like he had nothing really serious to do besides wake up and play video games. He had no actual friends and never enjoyed visiting his parents. They would always want to know how or what he is doing, and after they get the answer they had already anticipated, Mr Adewole would give him that your-life-is-better-off-with-me look and shake his head. Kojo wanted nothing of that sort. 

 Being a member of a local church gave him the opportunity to use his skills in the house of God. He wasn't officially a staff, but with the spare time on his hands, he was more committed to the media work and declined to get staffed when he was offered the job. He wanted to use his skills in service to God without getting any money off it. 

Sunday Service ended on a high, Kojo quickly gathered his teenagers and started his dev class with them. This was the fourth and last Sunday of their classes with him. He was really excited to be bringing such wealth and knowledge of experience to these younglings. 

Getting home he stopped by the nearest Supermart to get his favourite bread. The thought of visiting his parents lingered on his mind for a few dismissable minutes and flickered off. The bread was preferable to the roasted turkey at his family house that came with twenty-one questions about the progress of his life.

Midway into his bread and chocolate spread, he decided to check his mail one more time. 


With nothing more to do, he opens some unread emails, deletes a few, empties the trash and opens his spam folder. That was when he saw it. 

The bread in his hand suddenly became tasteless

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The bread in his hand suddenly became tasteless. What in the world was a mail from STEM doing in his spam he thought as he got up and began pacing back and forth his room.  This was already the 2nd of September. 

A lot of scenarios ran through his mind. Why hadn't they called him? His number and contact details were very well in fine print in the presentation he sent them. After about fifteen minutes of asking and answering questions all by himself, he settled down with a cold bottle of Sprite in his hands.

He read the email again and focused on the part that said, 'immediate employment'.

Was he ready to relocate and leave everything down here all the way to Lagos? In such a short time? Funke wasn't aware and neither was his Dad. 

He made a mental note to tell them, but he would prefer doing so when he knows he has the job for real. 

Quickly, he made a screenshot of the mail and replied STEM, letting them know that the mail was in his spam folder, which was why he missed the timeline by two days.  

In an effort to avoid the same mistake from happening again, he removed STEM from his spam list and stayed partly hopeful. 

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