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Kojo lugged his box towards the Departures entrance of the Portharcourt International Airport, he was stopped by the security officials at the entrance and was reminded to wear his facemask. He had carried it with him just because of this but didn't really fancy using it. 

His mind was overwhelmed with a whole lot already, he was leaving everyone that mattered to him behind and didn't even have enough time to say goodbye and might not get the chance to do so in the next 4 months, that bit hurt real good. 

He covered his nose and mouth with the face mask and walked into the entrance where someone dressed in coveralls used something that looked like a fumigation spray to sprinkle God knows what, on his luggage then he sanitised his hands and proceeded to the check-in. 

Kojo told a friend of his that he needed to use Arik Airlines and the person had booked the 7 pm flight for him. 

Getting into the building, the place looked really empty.

"Hello Sir, what airline are you flying with?" one of the airport officials asked him.

"Arik," Kojo replied, still wondering where everyone at the airport went. 

"Sorry sir, the last flight for Arik left at 5 pm," the man said innocently to Kojo's amazement.

"What?" was all Kojo could ask in reply.

"Lemme see your ticket sir," the man asked trying to salvage the situation. 

Kojo quickly gave him the ticket and watched the mans concerned face broaden into a smile. 

"Your flight is for 7 pm with Airpeace sir," the man said reassuringly and Kojo heaved a weighted sigh of relief. 

After getting checked in and his box logged in, he looked at the ticket in his hand and his eyes fell on the departure time: 8:15 pm.

"Oh Great," he said to himself. 

He went through the checking point and was seated with other people in the waiting room, some were headed to Abuja, the rest to Lagos. 

This was a journey without a blueprint. 

Beatrice walked into the airport waiting room at exactly 7:30 pm and walked right past Kojo. His hair caught her attention.

She wondered what such fine hair was doing on a man, but she was smart about it and didn't give any tell to whether she noticed him or not.

Kojo just watched as a lady with so much confidence oozing out of her being, walked past him wearing pants with prints he just couldn't understand, but fancied. 

She looked like Asa only that she was a bit shorter and had no guitar nor dreads, but the hair she made was a killer, it fell to her back looking like something only her could pull off.

She wore this stern-looking no-nonsense face and gave off a snobbish vibe and he knew better than try to make eye contact with her.

Beatrice walked past Kojo and took a perfect seat a few paces from where he sat. She was just excited to be going back to Caleb. The long wait started and for some reason, the flight was delayed further into the night.

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