Chapter 1 (Beginning)

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No One's P.o.v!

''Ahhhhhhhhh Raine Screamed waking up from a terrible  nightmare as she heard loud foot steps running  down the hallway  and approaching her door with it swinging open revealing her shirtless brother Mason and walking over towards her as Mason sat on her bed face right up confused and said

''Hey  Hey  Hey Raine what's wrong are you ok'' He said " I'm Fine" She said  as she slowly looked Mason up and down and said  " Wait ewww put your shirt back on" she said looking at him disgusted          " Wow that's All your  concerned about is me being shirtless  and also it's nothing eww about it, My abbs are Beautiful and sexy" He said with a smirk on his face "And secondly  your worried brother was scared  running down the hallway confused about what's going on and all you said was " I'm finne😩" He said with a miserable  look on his face.

Mason's P.o.v!

"YESS" I'm fine" she said with a stressful look on her face while I slowly  stood  up with my hands crossed and said

" No No No No No Raine your not fine" I said as I slowly  sat back down on her bed placing my hand on her shoulder with a worried  look on my face and said

" Look Raine we can t- as I was slowly  interrupted by Raine and said " Mason can we not talk about this Right now I promise  I'll tell you later" she said while her head was facing the floor and her hands over her head irritated and then looked up at me facing me and smiling then said

" But thx for being so caring Mason I really appreciated it"  she said still smiling  which gave me the reason to smile and say " Raine of course I'm gonna be caring and overprotective over you because I'm your brother and I Love You"

I said slowly  pulling her into a hug and hugged for like 45 seconds Then she stopped  the hug and said " I know I know I was just saying and also lets get ready for  school before were late"

She said as I nodded then she was  getting from up under her covers and off her bed heading to her dresser and  opening it and I said " Ok but still don't forget to tell me about it later ok" I said while walking  out her door  and saying ''

Anyway I'm funna go finish sun-bathing" I said Then she said " wait how and you were in your room the whole time " she said while smiling and giggling and I said " I know I was just  joking I just wanted to see a smile  on your face because I love seeing you smile because  it just makes me happy and i just....I hate it so much when your upset and I Love You and always would want you too feel better because if you don't it would break me so much

" I said and she said " Thx Mason you really help me get through things" she said smiling and I said " I know But don't forget to tell me RAINE like asap when we get home from school " I said while heading out shutting her door then walking to my room and shutting mine.

Raine's P.o.v!

"Whew" ok before I get dressed I need to put a candle in this  room because it does Not smell to good I thought to myself while walking  to my bathroom and grabbing a lighter from off the sinks countertop and grabbing a clean and fresh candle that just came from out of the pack from off my dresser 

then As I tried turning the wheel from off the lighter it wouldn't work so I kept trying and trying and trying and it still wouldn't budge probably  the butane gas Is empty I thought to myself then when I tried again It finally worked and while I was moving the lighter  towards the candle instead of the lighter  touching the candle

the fire just went straight  towards my finger which caused my finger to burn and faster than a heartbeat  I blew it out fast as I could but the thing is I didn't  feel my finger  burn i just d-didn't feel it and normally when you get burned at any part of your body than blow it out fast the burning won't go away automatically so that's really really STRANGE!!!!!! 

and  odd I thought to myself with my eyes Widening.

Hi everyone the 1st chapter Has come to an end 😙😙
But hmnmm .........I wonder if Raine's gonna find out  about her Mysterious power  hmmmm🤔🤔 Interesting!!!!!!!!

But stay tooned for the next chapter to find out !!!!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the first Chapter SYL peace ✌✌


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