Chapter 7

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Hey guys!!!!! 😋😋 author here welcome back to my story and I hope you enjoy chapter 7 I'm gonna try my best do good on this chapter one more time so hope you enjoy.


"You guys I'll be right back I'm running to the store be back in 15". Raine said" ok don't take to long the four yelled back at her. " I won't" she said then left.

Raines p.o.v

Hmm I wonder where aunt rose is she's been gone four two whole days maybe she's been busy let me just text her real quick.

Raine: hey aunt rose how are you doing are you ok you haven't come home  for two whole days so I was just checking on you. 

1 minute later.......


I heard my phone ping so I picked it up to see who  it  was.

My aunt rose❤❤: Oh hey Raine how are you and mason doing srry I haven't checked up on you two in a while.

Raine💧: Oh I'm fine aunt rose  I was just checking up in you to see if you were alright and where are you exactly.

Aunt rose ❤❤❤: I'm downtown I'm srry I haven't called or talk to you are mason I've just been caught up in work.

Raine💧: ohh.... when will you be back.

Aunt rose❤❤ : I'll be back in two more weeks don't worry dear and make sure mason isn't burning down the house while I'm gone.

Raine💧: hahaha ok aunt he won't and I'll make sure.

Aunt rose❤❤: ok be safe and be good I'll be back  as fast as I can.

Raine 💧: ok bye aunt you be safe too love you.

Aunt rose❤❤: I love you too raine tell your brother what I told you ok.

Raine💧: ok bye

Aunt rose ❤❤❤: bye bye dear.

As I got  finished texting aunt rose I was already in the store "hmm what should I make for dinner" I mumbled to myself then grabbed the items that I needed.

!!!!Time skip cuz I'ma bitch〰〰

As I arrived home all 3 of them came wandering around me BUGGING me out except for Otis he was peacefully wrapped in a blanket sleeping on the couch. " ooh what you got there rainy" mason said in his annoying voice. " "yeah what you got there it smells good " elaini and Zane said at once.

" nothing you'll just see when I make it". raine said walking in the kitchen placing the grocery bags on the table then washing her hands.

"Ok were about to turn on a movie tell us when it's done". zane said turning on the tv "ok" I said.
"Hey Otis man wake up we funna watch a movie" mason said. "shut up let him sleep" elaini said" fine" he said."Hawwwwww" otis yawned walking up and rubbing his eyes. ( don't judge me 😋😋I tried my best to make a yawn sound ok back with the story)

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