Chapter 11

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〰Hi Readers Author here....guess who you caught slipping...😋😋 me and im sorry I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy on my other story 4 words which I was thinking alot about and school but don't worry I didn't forget about this story so let's get back on track my readers❤❤

Third Person's P.o.v

After school the five teens decided to go get some boba so that's what they did.

"Hey Elaini" Mason patted Elaini's shoulder.

"What" The girl said glaring at him

"Come on you still can't be mad at me think of it as a favor" he playfully punched her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah the favor that almost killed me" Elaini said grabbing both of their boba's from the lady and walking over to the table the other three were at.

"Well I'm sorry, and hey" Mason stopped and swooped in front of Elaini "you can't hold this grudge forever, get over it at some point."

Elaini laughed "Alright I forgive you, but remember if you want to tell him my business you have to get through me first ok" Elaini and mason sat at the table facing eachother.

"Yeah, yeah" Mason reached over the table and patted her shoulder.

"So what was you two talking about" Zane  asked jumping in their conversation drinking his boba.

"They probably was talking about how mason embarrassed her" Raine said not looking up from her phone.

"Oh, yeah that, What happened fully? Otis asked sitting his back against the cold wood.

"Mason over here" she pointed over at him. "decided to embarrass me in front of dylan" she glared at him once more.

"Which was a favor" The brown haired boy smirked at her.

"Oh really, man you're good at embarrassing people that's like you're talent." Zane threw in.

Mason started laughing "That's not my only talent my other talent is making girls fall for me."

Everyone than spit out they drink when they heard that slip out of mason's lips.

Mason looked confused "What was that for"? The confused male asked.

"Mason you seriously think that?, like for real" Elaini said laughing.

"It ain't no think it's I know" mason corrected the female.

"Boo hooo mason give it a rest" Zane threw his empty cup at mason's face.

"Owww, man" the brown male groaned.

Otis sat up "you guys pass me your cups so we can go" they passed him their empty cups and he went to throw them away.

After he did that the teens got up from their spots and walked out leaving a tip on the table.

                 (Small Timeskip)

The teens made it to Raine' s and Mason's house as always. That's basically where they hangout at the most. Once they made it in the house their jaws dropped.

"Now how did this happened?" raine walked around the living room.

"Mason you pig, look what you done did to this place" Zane smacked masons neck.

"Hey don't blame it on me,we were all here to trash this place" The brown haired teen replyed.

"Well yeah he's right let's just clean this place up since we all were here Elaini said walking  in the kitchen to get the broom.

"I'll pick up the trash" Otis said going to go get a trash bag now walking into the living room.

Mason groaned and sighed looking around the place. "I'll just organize everything" everyone nodded.

"But before we clean, we can't clean without music so let's get this cleaning party started". Mason said running upstairs to get the speaker.

He ran back downstairs with it in his hand placing it on the living room stand.

"Dont play anything stupid man" Zane said folding the covers.

"I won't trust me you guys will like it" he smirked and they all rolled their eyes.

He pressed play and this played⬇

The music Started playing and mason started sing to the song.
"I let it rain and clear it out, I let it raine and clear it out." He sung.

"Wait I actually like this song zane said dancing to the song. He started to sing as well.

"chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup,  chicken noodle soup, with a soda on The side," Mason and Zane sung at the same time.

Otis joined "chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, with a soda on the side".  Otis swunged his hips side to side.

"Really guys who sing a song about soup."? Elaini said still sweeping the floor.

"Exactly and who drinks soda on the side? raine threw in. "But dont get me wrong it isn't that bad" Elaini was swinging her hips side to side as well as sweeping the floor.

All the five teens than started singing real loud while dancing. They all jumped on the couches enjoying them selfs.


When the five teens got finished cleaning and dancing to a thousand songs they plopped down on the couch.

"You guys that was fun" Otis said facing them panting.

"Yeah" mason slipped of of the couch and onto the floor.

"You guys I'll be back im gonna go shower." Raine said going up the steps.

"Ok" they all shouted.


😁😁〰Hello readers the reason why it was short because Im  really really busy with school and once again with my new story 4 words so make sure you go check that story out and Mha descendents AU.

But I hoped you enjoyed this short chapter. I'm  also gonna be posting short chapters on this story possibly twice a week because I am so busy at this moment but don't worry😁😁😁😁😁😁.

Author out〰❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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