Chapter 10 (CRUSH DISASTER!!!!)

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Thirds persons P.o.v

The five teens chilled  on the couch relaxing without looking up from their phones. Mason came back downstairs after a while to see all of their faces glued to their phones.

"Hey guys" he tried once. "Hey guys" he tried twice. "HEY GUYS TAKE YOUR DAMN EYES OFF OF THAT SCREEN FOR AT LEAST A SECOND" everyone jumped from the sudden statement  now paying attention to mason.

"Finallly, do you guys wanna go for a walk or something" the brown haired male asked "NO" he heard three yells back except for otis.

"I'll go I need fresh air anyways otis said." Can I borrow a jacket" the blue haired teen asked walking up to mason. "Yeah sure man get one from up out of my closet." Otis nodded than walked upstairs.

"So y'all not coming" he said "we just said no man." The black hair teen responded with a sassy tone. "Please" The brown haired teen got on his knees to beg. Elaini, Raine, and Zane now looked at each other debating whether they should go or not.

"Fine" the other three then proceeded to get up and put on their shoes. Which made mason happy.

They all started to head for the door but then remembered Otis was still upstairs. "Wait you guys let's wait for otis" Raine said. "Yeah she's right" Elaini added. "ok" the other two responded.



Third persons P.o.v

The four teens been waiting a while for Otis to get done. "Sorry  I made you guys wait I just couldn't find a jacket that fit me" The blue haired teen said now walking down the steps. "Finally man we waited for 12 minutes it felt like a year" Mason said over exaggerating. "Be quiet mason your over exaggerating now let's go" Otis walked passed him opening the door leading them outiside.

"HAhh" The Five teens sighed happily. "It's so cool out here." The black girl said. "See told you guys it would be good to go outside of the house" Mason said. "Sense when you've became an outside person mason Elaini said". "Sense now" he responded.

"So how far are you guys planning on walking" Zane asked starting to walk while the others did the same. "At least to the bus stop" mason responded Zane nodded while they all proceeded to walk.

The five teens just walked around the whole neighborhood talking about their powers and other stuff that happened in class.


(You guys I'm sorry I did a time skip cuz  I'm just a lazy bitch so don't judge me 😥😥)

Third Person's p.o.v

As the teens got back to the houses after a long day because it was starting to get dark outside Otis, Zane, and elaini, collected their stuff because they were about to head out. Soon  when they left Raine and Mason did their same night routine than went to sleep.

                 Next Morning..........

Raine woke  up and did her same morning routine and left out the house with mason to go to school. They soon arrived at school and caught up with the other three.

When Elainiand the rest entered the school raine noticed elaini' s crush,then asking "wait is that your crush I see" while smiling knowing what the answer is,causing Elaine to blush then responding, "shh he could hear you"she said,leaving raine confused, raine answering "girl he all the way down the hall, I dont speak louder than mason when he's talking "she said while laughing.

Making mason hear, he said "I heard my name,is their a problem" he exclaimed.Then Elaine yanked mason by the arm telling him why don't you,Zane and otis head to class first she said frightful,making mason noticed the shook in her voice,responding back with"why is their something bothering you"he smirked.

Elaini did not know want to do at this point, because if she told him the truth,She knew her death would be right around the corner  perparing for her, from how good mason is at embarrassing people, it's like his talent she thought.

After thinking she got pulled back to reality by Raine's hand.After being pulled raine said "um Elaini look I tried but-.Before raine could say anything else Elaini responded with "what is it raine".

Raine then turned elaine's head towards the direction of  her crush, when looking  she then noticed mason half way down the hall walking towards her crush.At that moment Elaine tried not to scream, then turning her head back to raine.

"RAINE, what is he doing, do something,"no you do something" raine exclaimed.then Otis said "you guys I should start heading to class I don't wanna be late", zaine replying after "yea same tell me what happened later bye"he said.And with that they both began walking off,leavi g Elaini tramutized.

Raine Noticed "look Elaini mason is abou-", before finishing, Elaine took off,Down the hall reaching closer and closer to mason where her crush is,feeling butterfly's.When she reached by her crush and mason.Mason said "oh here she is" then before her crush could get a word out she said "sorry"then grabbed mason's arm starting to drag his from behind her,back to raine.  "raine did you tell him to do this" mason then saying "I told myself, sorry just wanted to start a conversation with him".

"what exactly" Elaini said."just the usual telling him how much you like him",Elaine then felt like her life shattered. Raine rubbed on Elaine's back comforting her letting her know it's ok.  "Comforting me at this moment raine feels like  dying"."My life is over all because of YOU Mason YOU" she said.

Mason replied back saying "what he looked as if he wanted me to say something" so I thought why not."what if it not being me" she exclaimed.At this time, the bell rang and now they were late for class "see you guys later" raine said.

Mason then tapped on Elaini asking if she's alright her replying back saying  "f-fine how a-about a casket" she implied with a serious not so serous looking face, asking for  forgiveness look.causing mason to laugh "it's fine I did it for you stalker"he said,then saying "now you don't want to be late to class do you".

"I'd rather be late" she said,"why is that"he replied as they began to walk."Is it because people would notice how red your face is" he said."No my crush is in their"  the girl said with a  Shake in her voice,"oh i see" he said with a side smirk,making Elaine notice "yea you practically ruined my life" she exclaimed.

Before elaini reached her classroom she then thanked mason saying,"thank you for walking me to my death entrance" while her body began to shake being afraid to go in,mason replyed saying "your welcome","just let him notice you,get out their" he said"with that he left Elaini staying by the door.

As she thought about rather she should go in or not she just grabbed the door knob didn't want to waste to much time,and went in.

〰❤Hello viewers I hoped you enjoyed this chapter my sister actually wanted to help me so make sure you go follow #academia ships and see you in the next peace✌


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