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Jade's pov
Why am I back here?? No!! This can't be happening where do I go?? No!!!!

"Jade!!!" No no this can't happen

"Why the fuck were you with him???" His voice boomed

"Are you cheating on me???"I looked away

"And what the fuck is this about the x-factor?? Look at me!!!I said look at me!!!" And the next thing my hands are pinned against the wall with him in front of me hate seeping of him

"I told you not to enter!!!" He yelled and his grip on my hands tightened while his other hand was ready to strike

"I'm sorry!!! Please don't!!! Please!!!" I yelled as I started to move under his grip



"Jade!!!" I opened my eyes to see a familiar pair of green ones

"Harry??" I said still shaking

"'s me it's alright I'm here" he said as he cradled me I stayed in his arms like that till I calmed down and then he pulled away

"You Okay??" He asked as he pushed a few strands of hair away from my face

"Yeah , just a bad dream" I said

"Come here!" He said as he pulled me closer to him

"I'm sorry I woke you" I said as I lay my head on his shoulder

"That's alright baby" he whispered as he lay down and pulled the covers over us

"I love you" he said as he kissed my head and soon I could hear steady breaths coming from him I got up and walked to the toilet I washed my face and ran a bath and sat there

"Baby not to rush you but we have to be at jes and Liam's in an hour" harry said from the otherside

"Yeah , I'm done" I said as I got out and opened the door to see Harry standing on the otherside dawdling from side to side

"I need to wee!!" He squealed as he walked into the toilet I laughed and changed into my clothes

I walked downstairs and sat down by the window last night was a mistake I haven't had these thoughts since the x-factor.....I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes

"Ready to go??" I turned around to see harry coming down the stairs

"Yeah" I said as I got up and walked to the door

We got into the car and sat in silence I can't look harry in the eye for some reason , I sat there playing with my rings

"Radio??" He asked me I nodded and he turned it on and I looked outside the window

Harry's pov
We sat there in silence not a word after this morning , I don't know what's wrong I've known her for years and I know for a fact she doesn't have night terrors

"Haz!!!" I was snapped out of it by Jade grabbing my hand

"You passed the gate" she said and let go of my hand

"Sorry'' I mumbled before backing and going into Liam and jesy's drive

We got out and she walked ahead of me and knocked on the door

"Hey guys!!" Liam greeted us

"Jesy's in the kitchen" he said and Jade went that way as I made my way to the lounge and sat down

Love you [ Book Two ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ