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13th September 2020

Jade's pov
Today's Niall's birthday he's turning 27 it's funny how jesy's 29
Leigh's turning 29 next month
Louis's turning 29 in December
I'm 27 turning 28 in December
Zayn's 27
Perrie's 27
Niall's 27 today and Harry's 26

Funny looking back at the fact we met when we we're around 16 to 20

"Baby" Harry's voice echoed through the house

"I'm up here" I yelled from the terrace and I heard him running up

"Are you ready for Niall's party??" He asked

"Yeah" I said as I made my way to him

"We need to get to El and Lou's place" he said wrapping his arm around me

"Do we have to??" I said pouting

"Well you know we got be late" he said pulling me closer

"Harry it's 2 in the afternoon" I said looking at him

"Didn't know there was a time schedule" he said and then kissed my neck I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up

"You this is very unhealthy" I said and he chuckled

"Never once in the last ten years have I heard that one" he said as he lay me on the bed

"Well then it's a first" I said and he kissed me

"Aren't you always" he said chuckling and then he flipped me over and his lips found mine

Harry pov
After doing the nasty we fell asleep I woke up when I heard a phone buzz without any thought I grabbed it and answered

Where the fuck are you?? Leigh's voice came through I didn't say anything

Jade the party is in an hour!!! I immediately shot up from my position forgetting Jade was in my arms

"We'll be there" I said and ended the call

I looked down to see Jade was no where in sight I looked over the edge to see her tangled in the sheet on the floor

"Ow" she said when she saw me I laughed and pulled her up and hugged her

"We have to be at El and Lou's place" I said

"Fuck we need to leave now" she said and got to her feet holding the blanket around her and started running around

"What you looking for??" I asked her

"My undies" she said and looked around the room

"Baby" I said as I picked up her undies from the floor

"Of course you have it" she said as she made her way to me I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back onto the bed

"We have to leave" she said

"I know I'm sorry I pushed you of the bed" I said and kissed her

"Mmm get up come on" she said as she got up and walked to the closet

After we got ready we got into the car and walked up the drive

"Ni!!!" Jade yelled as she ran up and hugged Niall

"Happy 27!!!" She said and hugged him again

"Thanks jadey!!"

"Happy birthday man" I said as I hugged him

"Jadeda!!" Perrie yelled as she and zayn walked up the drive

"Pez!!" Jade squealed and they hugged each other

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