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Harry's pov
Me and zayn walked through the back door to see Jade backed up against the wall and Perrie standing there trembling

"ONE MORE MOVE AND IT'LL BE THE LAST ONE YOU FUCKIN TAKE" I yelled and everyone turned around

"Ohh two pretty boys what you gonna do??" Matt yelled looking at us

"How about I show you just how Bradford I'am" zayn said and as we walked towards him  Matt walked backwards hands in the air

"Hey , look man I don't want trouble I just want to talk to Jade" Matt said  at this my jaw clenched and I squeezed my fist and felt my knuckles turn white and next thing my fist hit Matt's face

"Dick!!" Matt yelled and jumped at me only to meet Zayn's fist

"Boys let me handle this!!" We turned around to see Jeff our security coming our way

"Stay away from her!!" I yelled as Jeff dragged him away

"You Okay man??" Zayn asked me and i nodded then turned around to see them  Perrie was shaking like a leaf while Jade was catching her breath

"Pep" zayn said as he went up to her she buried her face in his chest and they walked inside

"You Okay?? I said as I made my way to Jade 

"Yeah" she said and nodded

"I'm sorry petal I'm sorry I even let him be five steps away from you" I  said pulling her into a hug

"I'm sorry too" she said and hugged me 

"Let's go home??" I said and she nodded 

Jade's pov
We stopped at dominos and then got back home and I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas and I sat down on the bed and grabbed my book and went back to drawing I was doing yesterday

Harry came sat down behind me

"What you doing??" He asked resting his chin on my shoulder

"Drawing" I said as I continued to shade what I was drawing

"That looks familiar" he said as I finished it

"It's your tattoo" I said leaning back into his chest he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down

"Haz" I said as I turned onto my belly and was now face to face with him

"Yeah??" He asked looking at me for the first time today

"I love you" I said

"I love you more petal" he said and then he kissed me

"I never said thank you" I said 

"Thank you?? For what baby??" He asked wrinkle showing

"For making me feel safe" I said looking at him

"Jade I won't ever hurt you baby" he said pushing hair away from my face

"I know they told you" I said looking away

"Hey , look at me" he said titling my face back his way

"I don't want you to think I'm broken" I  said tears falling down

"Baby your alot of things but broken it isn't one of them" he said looking me dead in the eyes

"I'm sorry that dick got close to you honestly five seconds more I would have beat him black and blue" he said and I laughed

"I'm being honest" he said titling my chin so I could see him

"I know it's just your not made like that that's what I love about you , your a good person" I just wrapping my arms around his neck

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