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Jade's pov
Jesy is in active labor , I'm sitting in the front seat Niall's driving like a lunatic , El and Leigh are sitting in the middle seat holding Jesy , Perrie and Bear are in the backseat holding on afraid for their lives

"HAS-AAHHHHH anyone called AHHHH Liam??" Jesy yelled as we pulled up outside the hospital 

"Hannah please" leigh said

Hannah appeared and moved Jesy into a room

"Her contractions have started this baby's ready to come it could be a couple of hours or a couple of minutes  I suggest we get Liam here now!!" Hannah said

"Jes I'm gonna call Liam okay??" I said as I let go of her hand and walked into the Hall

Liam's pov
We picked up the cake and sat down and ordered a cup of coffee

*buzz buzz buzz buzz*

I glanced at my phone and saw Jade's name before I could answer the call ended

*buzz buzz buzz*

Harry's phone went off

"Hey bab-"

"GET YOUR FUCKIN ASSES TO THE HOSPITAL!!!" Jade's voice boomed through the phone

"What's going on??" I asked as Harry put the phone on speaker



"We'll be there as quick as we can!!" Harry yelled and all of us ran out only to be mobbed by paps and fans

"We don't have time for this go" zayn said as he handed the keys to Louis who grabbed me and we took off with Zayn and Harry hot on our tails

We got into the car and Louis hit the gas before I could lock the door , zayn jumped in as the car started moving Harry ran a couple steps and jumped in with his legs hanging out side the door which was still open but zayn grabbed his pants and tried pulling him in but ended up giving him a wedgie in the process but he managed to get him in and closed the door

"Go!!go!! go!! go!!! My balls are fine" Harry yelled and Louis hit the gas once again

"Oh my god!!! I'm having a baby!!!" I said hyperventilating

"Oh my god I'm having a girl what if I'm not as good as I was with Bear what if I- OWW" i looked at Louis

"Shut you fookin mouth you losah your going be the best dad!!" Louis yelled

"Yeah , you been looking after us for all these years and Jesy's got experience in the area" zayn said

"Ohhh it hurts I hope you can explain to Jade why we can't do it" Harry said holding his breath hands between his legs

We knew it was serious but all of us ended up laughing 

"We're here!!! Go go go!!!!" Louis yelled as all of us jumped out and ran into the hospital and ran to the maternity ward

"Where the fuck is he???" Jesy's voice boomed through the hallway

"Shh he's going to be here" I heard leigh

"I'm going have to push in five bloody seconds" jesy yelled Jade ran into the hallway

"Go!!!" She yelled at me and I turned into the room to see Jes squeezing Leigh's hand

"Your going to do great" leigh said as she walked out the room

"Hi" I said as I held her hand

"I fuckin hate you , you fuckin dick!!! Where the fuck were you???" She yelled I laughed and kissed her hand

"Okay jes I need you to push" Hannah said

Jade's pov
We all moved into the hall leaving Liam  , jesy and hannah

I turned around to see Perrie and El were telling Bear that is sister is on the way , Louis and leigh were talking and  walking back and forth , Niall was jumping around at the fact that he and the baby had the same birthday Zayn was talking to Harry

Soon Jesy was done screaming and we heard cries

Jesy's pov
"Okay jes one more push" Hannah said

"You can do this" Liam said holding my hand and soon little cries filled the room

Hannah took her away to get her cleaned up and came back and handed her to Liam

"Hi" he said as he carried her

"Here you go" he said and handed her to me

"Hi , baby" I said as I cradled her she opened her eyes revealing the mirror image of mine Liam chuckled and kissed the top of my head

"I love you two" he said as he wrapped his arms around me and looked down at her there was a knock on the door and Louis came in big smile on his face followed by everyone else

"Congratulations guys!!" Everyone wished

"Can I??" Louis asked I nodded and handed the baby to him

"Jesminda!!!" I was soon pulled into a hug by the girls

"I love you girls!!" I said tears falling down

"We love you too" they said and we hugged each other

"Hello twin!!" Niall said we turned around to see him holding the baby Perrie moved forward and he handed the baby to her

"Hi , baby I'm your aunty Perrie" she said and the baby let out a squeal and perrie's face lit up and she giggled which made the baby giggle which made us giggle , leigh carried her next

"Hi!!I'm your Aunt lee lee" She said looking at the baby who smiled at her , then finally the baby was in Jade's hands

Jade held her with Harry standing behind her the baby squealed and smiled at them I looked over to Liam and nodded

Jade handed the baby back to me smiling

"Do we have a name??" Hannah asked and Liam nodded

"Leigh Anne Payne after her aunt leigh" Liam said and leigh hugged him

"Thank you guys!!" She said and everyone laughed

"And because of anything happens to us we want Bear and Leigh Anne to be together" Liam said looking at me

"Jade and Harry will you be her godparents??" I asked and everyone cheered

"Yes!!" Jade nodded tears running down her face Harry smiled and pulled her into a hug

"And pez your not her God mum but you are her Aunt and the reason is because your always my baby" I said looking at her she laughed hugged me careful not to hurt baby leigh

Everyone sat down and baby leigh looked around the room

"This is your family baby , we're one big crazy family" I said kissing her head

"Welcome to the one mix family baby" Liam said as he ran a finger down her small face , she wrapped her tiny hand around his finger I looked up at him and he smiled at me

"I love you" he said and kissed my head I leaned into his chest and looked around to see everyone laughing and having a good time

"Wait you bloody left my cake at the bakery???!!!" Niall yelled

"Oh for God's sake Niel I'll get you another one!!" Louis

"Well your cake and my balls!! Got left behind no chance I can get another pair" Harry said glaring at zayn everyone laughed

"This is Home baby this is family and it always will be" I whispered looking at my baby

Stay tuned guys
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