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Jade's pov
We finally got home and it's half past ten I slelp the while way back Harry walked ahead of me and into the kitchen I walked to the living room and took my shoes off I looked up to see him downing a glass of wine and then he poured himself another

"What's wrong??" He asked looking at me

"Nothing" I said as I walked up the stairs and into the bedroom I changed into my pajamas and sat down on the bed I grabbed my skecking book it's been a while since I last did a drawing

I started doodling and didn't pay any attention to what was happening around me when I was almost done with my drawing when two arms circled my waist

"Ready for bed??" He asked as he kissed my cheek

"I'm actually going to go downstairs I'm not tired" I said he let go of me

"Well then I'm not tired either" he said and sat behind me

"No it's alright you go to bed" I said getting up I couldn't sleep I wasn't in the mood my mind was racing I was feeling sick

I made my way downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine and sat down by the window

It's stupid to think after all these years that just looking at that asshole can push me over the edge I mean it's not like he can hurt me now I'm stronger than I was and I won't stand for any of that shit

I lay my head against the frame and grabbed the notebook from the table and started writing words down.

Harry's pov
She walked out of the room and I didn't want to pressure her so I let it be I sat with her phone and looked through the gallery

I was scrolling through a ton of pictures of the girls alot of videos of them acting like crackheads I went back to her home screen and my eyes nearly popped out

I didn't even have a clue she took this I smiled to myself and shut the phone off I glanced at the time and it was nearly midnight I got up and decided to check on her

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I didn't even have a clue she took this I smiled to myself and shut the phone off I glanced at the time and it was nearly midnight I got up and decided to check on her

I walked downstairs and saw her by the window wine glass on the floor as I walked closer and I realised she was asleep and was holding a notebook in her hand

I slowly pulled it away and looked at it


My heart kinda ached abit when I read the last word did she mean she didn't feel safe with me?? I looked up at her and my heart shattered I would never want her to not feel safe around me

I picked up the glass and walked to the kitchen I washed it and put it back into the cabinet I put the lights off as I walked back out

I walked back to the window and picked her up

"Baby" she mumbled as I carried her I walked upstairs and lay her down and pulled the covers over her I kissed her head , grabbed the extra blanket and walked back down

I lay on the sofa trying to piece together what happened but at the end I had one question did she not feel safe with me??

I woke up when I heard screaming I quickly got to my feet and ran upstairs I opened the door to see her eyes still shut moving around on the bed I quickly made my way to her

"Baby" I said as I wrapped my arms around her

"No please" she mumbled

"Jade it's me baby it's Harry" I said as I pulled her closer she let out a shakey breath and buried her face into my chest I pulled her closer and then I felt my shirt turning wet

"Jade" I gently pulled her away from my chest so I could look at her

"It's nothing" she whispered and got up and went into the bathroom

I glanced at the door and my heart shattered I don't like seeing her like this but I know there's nothing I could do I don't want to make her feel like she can't trust me

I heard the water being turned on I lay back down on the bed and covered my face with my hands I don't know what to do

Jade's pov
Fuck!! Why is this happening again I can't put Harry through this he didn't even sleep in bed last night I need to go home...Home I need to be there

I walked out the bathroom to see Harry lying on the bed I walked over to the bed and grabbed my phone

"Baby" he mumbled turning to look at me I didn't say anything I bit my lip to stop me from crying

"What's wrong??" He said as he got up and moved towards me I shook my head and moved away he sighed and lay down and covered his face with his hands

I walked out and went downstairs and I dialled pez

Hey babe what's up??

Jade??Babe what's wrong?? Do you need me to come and get you??

"Please" I said

I'll be there she said and the line went dead my eyes were getting clouded , my vision was blurry my chest felt like it was closing I fell to the floor my back against the railing and put my head in my hands then I felt someone by me I looked up and saw a very familiar pair of blue eyes

"Pez" I said and she wrapped her arms around me

"Shhh it's okay I'm here" she said as she hugged me

"Do you want me to get your bag??" She asked and I nodded

"Get your jacket I'll be back" she said and walked up the stairs

Perrie's pov
My poor Jadey I don't want her to feel like this I thought it was over but then she saw that dick

I knocked on the door and there was no response so I opened it and peeped in to see Harry sitting on the bed head in his hands I can't even being to think about how he must be feeling

"Haz??" I said as I walked into the room

"Take care of her" he said he handed a piece of paper to me and walked past me and up the stairs leading to the terrace

I grabbed Jade's bag and opened the piece of paper


Oh no is this why Harry's acting off??I threw the paper onto the bed and I made my down and grabbed Jade and took her to my place I'd have to talk to Harry later and explain to him what these words mean

Stay tuned guys
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