Chapter 10

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"Stiles! What the hell are you doing out here?" Chase yelled, pulling Stiles away from the flaming girl.

"What the fuck is going on here? Not that I signed up for any of this, but I didn't sign up for this, Chase!" Stiles shouted, pulling out of Chase's grasp. "People aren't meant just to begin floating in the air while on fire, Chase!" He continued pointing as Emberly was now floating around twenty feet in the air.

"I can explain," Chase held his hands up, trying to calm Stiles as he took a step closer to the boy.

"No," Stiles stepped back, "No, you can explain what the fuck is going on from right there. I know I don't exactly choose to be here, but I can make you stay away from me until I get some information. I might not know how this Shepherd shit works still, but I'm sure if I tried hard enough, I could do something," Stiles warned.

"Let's not do anything that we're all going to regret here, boys," Emberly said in a sweet voice floating back down to the ground, her flames now extinguished. She stepped in between the two, smiling sweetly.

"Okay, let's all take a deep breath, then, Stiles, I want you to tell me how you got out here," Chase sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Someone left my door unlocked. Plus, there was no one standing watch like there normally is, so I walked out here." Stiles shrugged, looking up at the moon through the glass ceiling. A full moon.

"Son of a–" Chase bit his lip with a groan, "Stiles, you need to go back to your room."

"I'm not going anywhere until–"

"Just do what I tell you for once, Stiles!" Stiles watched as Chase's eyes flashed red; he knew that there was something wrong.

"Chase," Emberly took a step towards her brother, carefully holding a hand out to him. "What's wrong?"

"Lock yourselves in here. Do not leave until morning, do you understand? We'll begin tomorrow at noon." Chase snarled, forcing himself out of the conservatory.

Stiles stood frozen in place as Emberly raced to the door after Chase burst through it. "What's going on?" He asked, taking a cautious step after her.

"Chase is losing control."

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