Chapter 32: Interrogation

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After arriving where Thanos was hiding, everyone was preparing for an amush. After Carol shoots her beam into the house and puts Thanos in a headlock, Bruce bursts through the floor and grabs Thanos's gauntleted hand while Rhodey grabbed his other hand then Thor took off his hand while everyone else walked in, then Rocket turned the gauntlet over only to see the Infinity Stones gone.

Rocket: Oh no.

Steve: Where are they?

Carol: Answer the question.

Thanos: The universe required correction, after that the Stones served no more purpose, beyond temptation.


Bruce then shoved Thanos to the ground.

Thanos: You should be grateful.

Bruce then punches Thanos.

Natasha: Where are the Stones?

Thanos: Gone, reduced to atoms.

Bruce: You used them two days ago.

Thanos: I used the Stones to destroy the Stones. It nearly killed me.

(Y/N): They should have killed you, you bastard.

Thanos: Ah, I see the demon is here.

Everyone was confused about why Thanos called (Y/N) a demon.

Steve: Why did you call (SH/N) a demon?

Thanos: No one else except for me could handle all the Infinity Stones power at once. But I did manage to save one.

Thanos holds out his remaining hand and gives (Y/N) the Soul Stone, shocking everyone.

(Y/N): What about the others?

Thanos: Destroyed, I saved the Soul Stone for you out of respect the last time we met. Either way the damage is done. I am... inevitable.

Rhodey: We got to tear this place apart, he's got to be lying.

Nebula: My father is many things. A liar is not one of them.

Thanos: Ah, thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you to harshly.

Thor then decapitates Thanos leaving everyone stunned.

Rocket: Thor, what did you do?

Thor: I aimed for the head.

Thor then walks put of the destroyed hut while (Y/N) puts the Soul Stone back in his chest.

Here's the new chapter of Endgame, everyone. Hope you enjoyed.

Word Count: 337

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