Chapter 9

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Abrim sat grimly on his great cushioned chair, his corpulent chin resting pensively upon his ham-sized fist. Despina entered unannounced and approached him, bearing a charger of mutton and sliced fruit.
    “You must eat, father. What vexes you so? You have been disconsolate since you first awoke.” said Despina, a worried tone maring her usually dulcet voice.
    “I worry for our friends, Despina. I have sent them into great danger. Marus is a good and loyal man, and Katemperos-Tsa has been an invaluable advisor and a good friend. The Thuleans I do not know well, but I found them charming in their naivete, and was already growing fond of them. Yet, I sit here idly while they face a danger none of them can comprehend, save perhaps only Katemperos-Tsa.” explained the usually jovial merchant.
    “I understand, father, but I also understand much rides upon this mission. All involved knew both the risks and rewards, save only the barbarians.” Despina reminded her sire, then continued, “You could not enter the city yourself. Your very presence would have aroused suspicion immediately. Your plan was the best one.”
    “Still, if things go wrong, we owe it to them to send aid. If they have not returned here by nightfall tomorrow, I would like you to lead a rescue party, my daughter. None will suspect you, Despina. Few know that you are a skilled warrior, and an assassin more deadly than any viper. Will you do this thing?” Abrim spoke, eying his daughter expectantly.
   “Yes, father. It shall be done. I will make the preparations.” and with that, Despina strode from her father’s tent.

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