Chapter 21

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There was little time for feasting in the tent of Abrim, a point that Abrim himself lamented loudly several times, but it would not do to loiter long in such close proximity to Ilarnek, after their caper. The chaos Bokrug caused would no doubt keep the city-guard occupied for a while, but it was impossible to judge for just how long, or how they might respond.
    Soon the caravan would be on the move once more, but Abrim declared that there was time,  at least for a toast of fine Osirian wine. At this declaration Grimm looked up sullenly, and inquired “What of us, merchant?  We failed in our task. We did not bring you the idol which you paid us to steal, yet you celebrate. Why?”
Abrim paused as he looked upon the tall, stern Thulean,  his eyes seemed to twinkle, and then he burst forth with deep, hearty laughter, his great belly shaking, unable to contain his mirth.
    “My son, I paid the two of you to steal the idol, which you did, not to bring the idol to me. And thank Lilitu the Black that you hadn’t brought it here! Had you brought the idol you would have brought that foul thing of the Elder Ages with it, and that would have been quite a bother. It was never the idol we were after, but the Greater Star Stones of Xaltos”. Said Abrim,his tone containing hints of both mirth and of shuddering revulsion, he gestured to the prize which Katemperos-Tsa held aloft for the barbarians to see. Then Abrim added, “You have done quite well indeed,” and he tossed them each a pouch of coins, the promised payment for their mission “you have done so well, in fact, that I would like to offer you a job. I can always use more good fighters upon the road. We head now to the east, along the Jade Road, and to the Blue City of Markanda, Jewel of the East. My wizard tells we there is a cursed city waiting to be relieved of its treasure, somewhere in the desert north and east of Markanda. Will you join us?”
    Freyja looked upon Grimm with a crooked smile, then to Abrim, and asked “Did you say cursed?”

The End

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