Chapter 19

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Belloc and the Brethren wound their way through sinuous passages beneath Ilarnek, secret ways known to few. With Belloc were Marus and the two barbarian foreigners, tired but unflagging as they groped through the dark, cramped corridors. They were in the tunnels outside of Illarnek’s stone walls now, beneath the ramshackle quarter near the river Ai.
    Freyja silently noted the stones, that seemed to close about them suffocatingly, were growing more damp. The sound of water trickling now with a sonorous burble, came to her ears, and the air suddenly seemed fresher. The river was very near.
    Belloc whispered to one of his men, and the man crept ahead of the party.
    “He goes ahead to make sure the way is clear”, spoke Belloc in hushed tones, then added “there is no doubt the city is in an uproar. They have seen the true nature of their god, and no doubt they will not be kindly to the Acolytes, but it is not certain they will treat you any more gently. Further, the Acolytes may have evil yet to work.”
    Marus grunted in acknowledgement, but Grimm remained silent and taciturn. There was a low scraping sound ahead, and a wan grey light filtered into the corridor. Freyja’s hand reached out to caress Grimm’s muscular shoulder, he turned to her, his face split by an unusually gentle smile.
    The scout returned and announced that all was clear ahead. As they exited the tunnel, they all took a deep appreciative breath of the fresh air. They were on a muddy flat below a dock, long since fallen into disuse. Several simple canoe-like boats were concealed near the water’s edge.
    “Thank you, Belloc,” said Grimm, “but how can we repay you for the use of the boat?” Belloc gave a low grim laugh.
    “The blow you dealt the Acolytes is worth a thousand such boats, friend Grimm. We know the wood where you will moor it, but enough, you best be off.” The party clasped forearms and made their farewells, and with that, Marus, Freyja, and Grimm began their journey back to the camp of Abrim.

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