Chapter 14

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The charging crowd hit with a suddenness. The Brethren and the Barbarians tried to get away before they were swept up by the human tide, but they were too late. Grimm, still holding the idol, found himself on one side of the small square with Marus, while Freyja and the others were forced to the other side, beating back the onrushing people in a small knot using the flats of their swords.     
    As the last of the rush of people trickled out onto the winding paths of the city, Bokrug surged into the small square. The god’s eyes fell instantly upon Grimm, and not knowing what else to do he ran up the streets with Marus close at his heels.
Bokrug came close behind, his flanks smashing buildings as he passed, his blunt head battering anything that barred his way into a broken shambles.
    No matter how many turns down the maze-like streets of lower Ilarnek Grimm and Marus took, Bokrug followed behind unerringly. Bokrug was a juggernaut, an implacable engine of destruction, that shattered the walls and foundations of buildings with his passing. The god whipped his tale as he smashed his way through narrow streets cracking and toppling pillar and roof alike, while raised roads crumbled, and ever his aura of fear moved before him like a tsunami. Not even his own Temple was spared, the columns and stones on one side now a broken shambles.
    Marus was quick for a man of medium height and stocky build, but he was hard pressed to keep up with the fleet long-shanked Grimm, who ran with the springing stride of an antelope. Grimm was forced to slow his gait, he would not leave Marus to face Bokrug alone.
    The two men tried to lose themselves in the  twisting labyrinth of alleyways, and for a few precious moments Bokrug was confounded. Bokrug stopped briefly and rage filled his mighty form. Suddenly coruscant light flickered over his massive bulk like bolts of crimson lightning and the air around him became distorted. There was a loud crack, like a thunder bolt, and fissures opened in the very earth, buildings tumbled, and the ground shook. In that moment the Temple of Bokrug, now some distance behind, crumbled and fell in upon itself. If before any hope had lain in appeasing the Old One by returning the idol to its place in the adytum, that avenue was now closed.
    Bokrug seemed to sniff the air, then took up the chase once more.

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