The truth

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It has been a couple of days since I told Aurora about evil being in the world. And yesterday Aurora told me that she was going to live here with me forever and I agreed. So Aurora bid goodbye to me and left to go tell her Aunties about her plan to leave home.

Aurora POV:

I was pacing back and forth trying to figure out how to tell my Aunties that I was leaving home now to got live with my godmother. As I was practicing, a boy came upon me. I was very flustered and I ended up tripping over myself. He apologized and he introduced himself as Phillip and I told him my name was Aurora. At the last time I asked him if he was going to come back and he said yes. I was happy. I went to go see my Aunties. "Hello Aunties." I said. "As you know tomorrow is my birthday..." I started but got interrupted by my Aunties showing me a cake. "...I am leaving home." I finished. My aunties dropped the cake and told me something about my father. "My father?!" I said. Flittle motioned for me to sit down and I did. They told me a story about an evil fairy who casted a curse on me. I jumped up and ran all the way to the moors. "Fairy Godmother!" I yelled a couple of times.

 Maleficent POV:

I stepped from behind a tree, " I am here." "When were you going to tell me I am cursed?" She asks with tears in her eyes "Is it true?" She says. I tell her it is. Aurora starts to cry and tells me that her aunties said it was an evil fairy. "I can't remember her name, they said her name was...." "Maleficent." I interrupt softly. "Is that you?" Aurora asks just as softly. I step towards me with tears in my eyes. Aurora steps back and tells me that I am the evil in the world, that it's me. She turns and runs away. I double over and hold in the tears that threaten to come out, I take a deep breath and as I turn away I yell "find the boy!"

Should I try doing Diaval's POV at some point in this story? Sorry this part is so short. I had writers block and was doing math at the same time. LOL :)

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