-Keeping a Handle-

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Aizawa pov

The kids came out of their hiding spots because they were bored, there is no sign of the attackers attacking yet, so it should be ok, but I have to get them to defend themselves better. I get them to play hide and seek to improve their hiding skills so if villains attack they will have a hard time finding them. If villains attack, their target is undeniably the students. We move everyone who has been affected to the 1A dorms, although it is only 1-A.  and they are all friends and it's actually adorable, even if it's only 1A, my problem children. Randomly I can yell hide and seek, and they all hide well at this point, well, other then Kaminari who randomly gets distracted, now that I think about it, I should get him tested for ADHD. In the event that villains attack, I can yell hide and seek and the villains won't find them.

Midoriya pov

Mr. Aizawa lets us play hide and seek tag all the time! It's really fun, but he always seems kinda stressed. Maybe me and Momo and Shoto and Kacchan can make him breakfast. Auntie Mitsuki taught Kacchan how to make toast, Momo can figure out how to use the toaster, because she's really smart, and me and Sho can find the cereal. I can pour the milk, because I know how much to do, my mom taught me how to after I made a little mess. I'm still wondering what I was like before I shrank, because I don't remember any of it, like how I don't remember being a baby.

Aizawa pov

I can feel the attack coming, but if I evacuate all the students, they will be in even more danger of an attack, so I'm backed into a corner. I can't do anything without putting them in even more danger then they're already in, as they're children. I won't let anything happen. I've worked on these kids as hard as I can, broke them down, and built them back up so they can be the best possible heroes. They've been through so much for someone of their age, it's inhuman. I will find a way to protect them, even if it costs my life, thats a price i'm willing to pay.

Izuku pov

I go to the room I was in when I popped up here. It definitely looks like my dream room, I find a lot of notebooks and find I did them myself, I recognize a few of them!  To activate my quirk apparently I flick my fingers and think 'smash' while clenching my buttcheeks, which is really silly, but I still tried,  but nothing happened. So I read my other notebooks, there is a lot of big words I don't understand but I got bored and quit. I think I see someone outside the window and for some reason they look kinda familiar.  It's weird, but then they disappear. I go and tell Mr. Zawa about the guy and he looks panicked. Mr. Zawa tells us all to hide and not to come out until he tells us to. I hide with Kacchan and Shoto on the top shelf of a closet and close the door. We hear people come inside, and then we hear our friends screaming and we panic. What are they doing?  Someone opens the closet, someone we haven't seen before and they see us. It's the person from outside?

Hello surface dwellers, cliffhanger time. Enjoy Life, byeeeee also 400 word count!

After editing (sorry its still so short!) there is a 604 word count.

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