-What's That Noise?-

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Aizawa pov

I wake up, surprisingly I got to sleep to the sound of squealing kids. If Sero made weed brownies again and left them out he's going to rehabilitation for addiction. 

 The problem children. Shit, wait what am I saying.  I follow the noise to see the three children playing tag.

 I almost laugh at their antics and then I realize, they aren't playing tag. They are running from someone, a figure I failed to notice somehow. I quickly step in and grab them with my scarf. A small purple light shows up, it's Tokoyami, he is saying he woke up to them playing bubblegum or whatever it's called.

 He was trying to get to settle down. I feel suspicious, Tokoyami wouldn't wake up if the world was imploding. I decide to erase his quirk and it is none other then Toga. Of course. I tell the small kids to wake up the others in case more villains are on campus. I call for backup in case this was a full scale attack. 

I keep my eyes on her and the real Tokoyami shows up, I tell him to go find the other heros. He returns with Present Mic, Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Snipe. Yayourouzo whispers something to Midnight and she nods as Yayourouzu creates gas masks. I automatically know what she is doing we all get one on and she fits one on the problem children. Midnight then releases her fragrance.Toga vanishes and Midnight continues to walk around campus making sure there is no villains that could possibly attack while hunting for Toga. But sooner or later something not great for our situation happens. 

Midnight reports oodles of villains as she worded it, all wearing some sort of mask. I rush to my room in the teachers dormitory to grab my goggles. I come back and to my horror, everyone is small. Every student. How did I fail them again. They are back to being defenseless.  I have my guard up, since they can no longer defend themselves. I see an unknown person and erase their quirk. 

I don't make eye contact or talk to them for I don't know how their quirk works. Turns out, not our guy, he teleport's. 


 I erased his quirk. How did that happen. I have to keep the students safe. I will never fail them again.  Never again. These kids have been through enough, even if they are training to be heroes they are still children. I will not let any thing happen to them under my watch. 

There are villains on my left, right, below, and in front of me. I tell the small kids to hide, I know they partner up so they'll be fine. I make sure to not let the villains see where they run. I erase their quirks, and capture them I knock them out and continue on. I see Sero and Karminari. I get them a better hiding spot for then continue looking for villains. This is gonna be a hell of a fight.

Ok, I know that sucks but thank you for actually reading my hot garbage! I tried to inlude dadzawa but um that failed. Enjoy life. 503 words

Edit: Didn't add many words, but I think its ok.

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