New Plan

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Aizawa pov

Instead of waiting for the villains to come back, the faculty decides to evacuate the kids from campus. We are all checked for anything that could remotely give away our location, all phones and earrings are confiscated and checked for trackers. No way any villains were gonna find us. This was going to be MISERABLE. I am about to ride on a bus filled with bored toddlers for multiple hours. God have mercy.

Zuku pov

The tired guy takes away all of our phones, not that I knew the password anyway. He leads us to a bus with all my friends, and I sit by Sho and Kacchan and Tenya (please give me a nickname for Iida) and Bubbles. We have to drive for ever and ever and it's so boring. I end up playing I-spy with Bubbles and Sho. Kacchan was playing but he fell asleep and Tenya was playing to but he started talking to Denki (I don't really need a nickname for him but you can choose one is you want but I REALLLLLLLY need one for Iida). After awhile we all got bored of I-spy. We start talking about our favorite games before we all fall asleep. 

Aizawa pov

It wasn't as terrible as I thought but Ashido kept having to use the bathroom. SHE WENT 7 TIMES IN 30 MINUTES HOW IS SHE CAPABLE OF THAT?! I smile at the kids while students who originally hated each other or never got along being friends. A ton of friend groups develop and I am quite shocked by some of them. Midoriya, Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, and Bakugo were a little group I call the 'Troubles' because when something happens those five have been a major role. The entrance exams- Midoriya and Uraraka, USJ- Midoriya broke his everything, Sports Festival- Bakugo won with Todoroki in second and Iida in third, Hosu- Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida, Training camp- Bakugo and Midoriya, and this- Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugo have been small the entire time. Another group is one I call 'The normal children' which consists of Sato, Sero, Kirishma, and Karminari. "Lucky" for me, all the trouble makers are in one little group. That is EVERYONE ELSE but not Tokoyami, Jiro, or Yayourouzu. Wow, that is sad that I have noticed that much. I think class 1-a is growing on me.

Time skip brought to you by me not having a nickname for Iida.

Kacchan pov

We are playing i-spy and then I get tired and fall asleep. But then a while later I think, i'm not on the bus anymore and i'm in a comfy bed and there are blankets and pillows and then I wake up and we are still on the bus. Zuku, Sho, and Tenya (Still need a nickname for him) are all asleep but not Mr. Aizawa but i'm not gonna talk to him because my mom and Zuku's mom say not to talk to people who say bad words.

Welll that is the end of this chapter, pretty ok I think well PLEASE GIVE ME A NICKNAME FOR IIDA. Something for a little kid, like how Uraraka is Bubbles. Ok, i'm done Enjoy Life!

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