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If Taehyung is ever early for anything in his life then it's for the food. We were sitting in the hall eating our the breakfast, Namjoon was again talking us about his boyfriend Jin.

Seokjin is really cool and handsome he is from Hufflepuff and is friends with Hoseok whom Tae have a biggest crush on, Hoseok is like a sunshine no wonder he is Yellow Hufflepuff. Both Jin and Hoseok are in Hufflepuff.

"Namjoon you should really invite Jin and Hoseok to spend more time us, these days we barely see them" Tae said smiling munching on his breakfast.

"Well I do get to see Jin everyday it'syou who doesn't get to see Hobi, I don't understand why you don't confess to him already." Namjoon said as he took bite of his sandwich.

"I can't, I don't even know he even like me or not "

"Seriously, Tae you should he is a great guy and what you have to be afraid of he is so sweet with you. I don't know why you think like that but I can see he likes you too. Both of you already look like a couple to be honest" I said encouraging him to confess because it's true Hoseok and Tae really look  cute together and they are both are in love without knowing it.

"He is a great guy I agree but he is just friendly with everyone, he treats you the same way too Chim."

"He treats me like a brother. He treats  and looks at you like he adores you there'sa difference." I said making the difference clear.

"What if you observed it wrong and he sees me as brother too?"  Taehyung was now frowning and I don't like it. Sometimes he so stupid.

"Jimin is right Tae you need to confess sooner or later, you know that"

"I will think about it" Taehyung said pouting .

"Everything is gonna be okay taetae infact it will be great trust me"  I said smiling at him.

"Okay! Guys I have to go now talk to you later about it" Namjoon looked as if he was in hurry which he was in order to meet his boyfriend.

"He is lucky, he is intelligent and have a beautiful boyfriend" Tae said

"He is"  I agreed, we ate the rest of the food.

It was evening time, I was out of the dorms to go to the library alone since Taehyung was busy playing with Corliss and Mark.

I brought with me this new dairy my brother sent, the first few pages of the dairy were filled with the things he wanted to tell me, according to him it's better than writing a letter. I opened it and turned the pages.

"Look where you are walking. I know you're a nerd but at least wait to get inside the library."

Ofcourse it has to be him

"What is it by the way? " he snatched the dairy out of my hands before I even knew. Behind him was Dean one of his friends.

"A dairy. You really write a dairies. What are you 6 or something? Ohhh must have mentioned something about your prince I guess"

He started flipping pages, I didn't bother to take it back snatch it from him. I was just waiting for him to finish with him being an ass.

"Uhh it's boring" he threw it towards me and I catched.

"For someone who act all mighty and high you don't really have manners Jeon"

"I don't act, I am. And why should I  show you my manners Park? "

"Next time better ask for permission instead of going through people's personal things. Leave it why am I even bothering myself. Get a side I have to go to library."

I started walking when he grabbed my wrist and spun me

"Never talk to me like that again or leave while I am talking" he gritted his jaw to show his anger

"Or what are you gonna do? " I said, I wasn't afraid of him. I know he can't really do anything all he knows is to talk.

Before he could say anything  Professor Snape was walking towards our way he left my hand with a jerk.

"Filthy Mudbloods" he said before leaving

Now that hurts I know he says that many a times but each time it just feel a little bad even though I should be used to it by now. I walked in the libraray trying not care much about it.

I looked for an empty and alone space. Once I found a perfect place, I opened my dairy and started reading what my brother wrote. He was talking about his new girlfriend and all about his studies, then he mentioned that mom and dad were asking about me and wanted to know how things are going here with me but didn't get time to write so they asked him to write.  I don't write back home often since either I'm busy or I forget, but I still know he just wrote it to make me happy when actually I know he just wrote this himself, they don't really care how I'm doing. He them mentioned how he misses me everytime he pass my room and how he is waiting for Christmas holidays fo me to return.

Reading it made me emotional, I just started crying because I miss him too and how he is the only one that actually cares about me in our family.

"You shouldn't take his words seriously he just gets like this whenever sometimes though I am not trying to defend him" I heard some say, I looked to my side and saw Yoongi sitting next me.

Yoongi was also in slytherin, he is seen with Jungkook sometimes but he never say anything to anyone like him. He never troubles others though they still say never to get on his bad side. He looks calm and contained most of the time, but they say to make him angry. He also doesn't talk to anyone much.

"What?" I replied not knowing at first what he was talking about, he looked at me and then I realized what and who he was talking about.

"Uhhh no, it's not about him it's just I miss my brother" I made clear to him and smiled

He looked at me which I couldn't make out what the look was about, whether not believing me or just thinking something.

"Okay then" he said and the got up.

"Thanks though" I said before he was about to leave

He didn't reply to it and just went his way which is so Yoongi thing to do but still him showing concern was actually surprising since he always look so unaffected with whatever it is.

"Ughhh that shithead next time I see him I am gonna kick him in the balls"

I told Taehyung and Namjoon, while we were in our dorms, about what happened since one of Joonie's friend saw Jungkook grabbing my handthat.

"It's okay, Taehyung it's not a big thing he says that quite sometimes"

"No, Jiminie actually Tae is right it's not really nice to call anyone that" Namjoon said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I know but nevermind what more shocking was that Yoongi came to me thinking I cried because of what Jeon said"  I said changing the topic

"Now, that actually surprising he really isn't type to comfort someone or care about anyone" Namjoon said.

"I don't even know how come Jeon Jungkook even have friends they look more like his servants"

"That's it tae, no more back bitching and judging people, we should sleep now " I said with a yawn

"You are really too good chim" Tae said before going to sleep.

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