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I slept late at night yesterday remembering things from the past and thinking about it too much. I regret it now since my eyes are  puffy and red, all I want to do is sleep a little more.

"Did you cry last night?" Namjoon asked me.

"Ofcourse he did and he was up all night I have a feeling, he didn't even tell or wake me up." Tae complained.

"It's not that guys, I didn't cry first of all" or may be a little. "Secondly I just couldn't sleep yesterday it isn't a big thing "

"Why weren't you able to sleep Chimmy?" Tae asked sweetly.

"I don't know that Tae, happens sometimes not a big thing"  I closed my eyes as I spoke.

"We are eating breakfast Jimin you better not sleep here, you may even bang your head on the table, all the food is then going to be all over your face" Tae said shaking me a bit.

I groaned "Seriously Tae!"

"He is right Jimin there is a high possibility of those things to happen. Here eat this toast and drink some milk, you'll get some energy for the rest of your day."

"Thanks Namjoon I might be needing a lot of  energy today" I said yawning.

After finishing the breakfast I was resolved to find Jungkook to apologize as well as clear all the things.

If I delayed it even for a single day I might turn to zombie.

Namjoon and Tae went with Hobi and Jin after wishing me luck.

"If he said something rude or made you cry, you know where to find us, I'll gather more students to beat the shit out of that git. Jin can give shoulder smack"

"Yah, don't drag my boyfriend in this, I can't risk his pretty face or his shoulder getting hurt." Namjoon yelled showing his protective and loving side towards his boyfriend  " I am more than enough for him I don't even need you tae."

"I doubt both of you but okay I'll keep this in mind"

I laughed at their tactics of fighting. I am sure they'll fight each other before actually fight anyone else

I was looking in the corridors and hall ways. He wasn't in feild that I was sure of since Tae said he hasn't seen him there. I searched for him in the washrooms too.

He could be in his dorms. I made my way to the slytherin house dorms but wait who am I gonna ask if he is inside or not.

Now I was standing outside their dorm a few meters away, thinking of what should I do, whome should I ask? Should I call for Yoongi before and then ask him for Jungkook but that might look wierd. I have to think of another way

Maybe is he not inside the dorm.  Should  I check at library first. Yes, that would be better then I can come back ask for Yoongi first and then ask Yoongi if Jungkook is inside or not.

As soon as I took the turn I bumped into someone.

"Aiee"  I rubbed my forehead and looked up to see who it was, I think finally today I have a bit of luck on my side for the first time.

It was Jungkook standing there glaring me.

"You sure know how show up and make me angry at the worst time Park, Now move a side"  he was going to move when I grabbed his arm, just the robes.

He turned to look at my hand first and then my face a bit annoyed. I got a feeling of deja vu. Just those eyes were no longer shy of afraid but angry and disgusted.

"Umm Jungkook " I pulled my hand back immediately


" I just wanted to talk to you for while if you don't mind and if you have some time" I stuttering so much, my voice so low that barely I could hear it. It was making me so nervous.

" No, I don't have time" he was going to move again and grabbed his robes from the back again.

"Please" I said looking at him with pleading eyes, my eyes were already red and puffy though since the morning. I wanted to cry again it hurts and why am I begging for him to just talk to me.

He looked at me and sighed.

"Fine. What do you wanna talk about?"

"Can we talk over there" I pointed to the end of the hallway no one would notice us there or hear us as people would keep passing from here.

He didn't said anything but started to walk there. I followed him.

Once we reached there he looked at me and waited for me to start the conversation.

"Jungkook, I am sorry for that day I.. I shouldn't have called you by nicknames when you weren't comfortable with it. I am sorry that because of that you got yelled at by Yoongi. I didn't mean to offend you now I want to make you angry I swear. I .  I am just really sorry. "

I looked up to see his reaction, he was looking at me confused but his eyes no more had the anger or disgust.

"It's.. it's okay. I should be get going now." He stuttered a little too make he didn't expect this coming from me.

As he was about too leave I stepped closer to him in way to stop him, there was literally any space between us now but I don't care, all I wanted was to know why he keeps acting like this? why he hates me so much? What I did wrong?

"Wait, there's other thing also, I really want to know Jungkook why do you get angry at me all the time? What have done that you hate me so much? I really don't have any clue as to what I did wrong Jungkook but I can't take this anymore. You can keep calling me Mudblood I don't really care I am pretty much use to it now, you can call me whatever you want to. I don't really mind. Please at least let me know the reason so as as to why Jungkook"

I took a pause because I could feel my vision being blurred a little, my voice cracking a bit and the part I hate heart aching for an unknown reason.

"Just tell me what I did, what my mistake is, there must be a reason why you are being lile that to me, I'll do whatever you want me to to make it right, I just want to apologize I ever hurt you. If you don't want to talk to me or see my face I won't ever be anywherenear you, I swear. But I'm tierd of being treated like this being the only person you hate in this school. There must be a reason Jungkook I wanna know that please Jungkook please."

At this moment tears sliped down my eyes, it was mainly because of the frustration of not being aware of my mistake and the reason behind his hate. I was letting him see the vulnerable me, the me who is pleading and begging in front of him so much. I wasn't able to look at him, I  kept my head hung as I tear rolled down my cheeks.

"I know I shouldn't care about it, I know you don't care about this. I  know it shouldn't matter to me, like it doesn't matter to you, but it does it hurts a lot and I don't even know why. I sorry Jungkook. " I sobbed I wasn't able to talk anymore

Tough I wasn't looking at him but I can tell he mustbe controllin his laugh seeing  me like this weeping and a crying mess, over such a small thing that doesn't even affect him. I can't stand this anymore.

"I am really sorry Jungkook, for everything. Sorry."

This was enough at least I apologized, but there was no strength in me to stand here and cry. With that I turned to run away from here, from him.

Unexpected - Jikook Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum