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I was walking down the hall alone Tae had to go somewhere so he would meet me in the class. I was thinking of a proper way to apologize to Jungkook because Yoongi would accept my apologies without much problem since he knows me a little but Jungkook is going to be a tough shell to crack will he even listen to me?

Should I just say sorry and leave without listening to his reply? Nah that won't looks sincere, should I write him an apology letter? Looks like he is my teacher or something, I should just say sorry then wait for what he has to say, if he accepts, great if he doesn't I don't care because he was a bit at fault here too.

While walking and looking for a possible perfect way to apologize to Jungkook I saw Yoongi with a senior who was in Slytherin prefect, his name was Birtch Morton.

Yoongi looked at me I opened me mouth to call him but then I decided against it, he must have got that I wanted to talk to him so he excused himself and walked towards me.

I was standing there rocking on my feets it was pretty awkward that I would be talking to Yoongi in the Corridors since he isn't seen talking much to people, only if he has some work to do or get something done.

"Hi" I greeted him

"Hey! You want to say something?" He actually looks cool in his uniform and robes that match with his mint green hair. What am I thinking at this moment.

"I, yeah, I wanted to say that I am really sorry for what happened that night"  now this sounds a bit wierd but I don't know how or what else to say or bring ot up.

"What happened that night?" he folded his arms and leaned on the wall. His aura in that position was making nervous for no reason.

"You know, you yelled at Jungkook because of me and then I don't what happened after that but if you got in a fight with him or something because of that so, yeah I'm sorry." I said it in a go fidgeting with my sleeves of the robes.

"So you are sorry for that?"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for you two to yell or be angry at each other because of that thing."

His lips curved at the end, now he stood straight, students were looking at him as if  they have seen a ghost, now ghost roaming around Hogwarts is pretty normal so this doesn't fit here. They were looking at us, mainly him, because Yoongi smiling was more abnormal than anything.

"You shouldn't be sorry for that Jimin it's his anger issues he needs to control he can't say that everytime he get angry at you or someone else. It is not a good word plus I yell and shout at him a lot afterall he is smaller than me, age wise. "

I laughed at that cause he specified age since Jungkook is taller than both of us even though Yoongi is older than him and I'm same age as him.

"Also, we are not fighting. What makes you think that we are?" Yoongi asked me.

"That's because Jungkook has been avoiding me, he ignores me when ever  and where ever he see me. I thought it was because you both might had a fight or something. "

"No, Jimin we didn't I don't really know why he is acting that way but we didn't fight, just talked."

"Oh okay" I smiled at him

"Do you want me to ask him what's wrong? "

"Ah! No no, it's okay it's not like we use to talk a lot or were friends, we are mostly just bickering or him insulting me. There's no reason to ask him. I think he is just avoiding another such situation which good if I look at it." I was rambling not noticing I pouring out my thoughts to him, when I could have just simply said no to yoongi.

"Okay then, if you wanna know or talk about something you can always tell me."

Before Yoongi was about to leave I saw Jungkook coming followed by his friends he looked at us and scoffed.

"Bye! see you you later then." I waved to Yoongi who went out to the feild.

I was about to take a turn when I saw Tae running towards me.

"Woah! What was that? Why was Min Yoongi talking to you? "

"Tae I just said sorry to him, there was no need to I know but still I wanted to"

"It's okay chim good you did otherwise you would just think about it all the time." He smiled.

"Yeah Tae now Jungkook is still left to be apologized to. I'll have think of a way for that too, even though they didn't fight."

"Then there is no need to chim."

"I just want to like, not just that night but if I ever did or said anything to him. I can't tolerate his behavior anymore, I need know what I did or if it's just that he likes to behave that way. I have not seen him act that way to anyone else."

It tried hard not to cry as I spoke, this was hurting for some reason.

"It just hurts tae and I don't know why"

"It's okay Chim I know it hurts, you are friendly person who likes to be friends with others. You treat other people nicely so you expect people to be good to you as well and Jungkook is just being the biggest brat without any reason so it's hurts you I can understand, it's natural chim if I were you I would be hurt too. Infact I really think you are stronger then me you hear his curse and never curse back, you a really a gryffindor brave and strong ChimChim." He said and hugged me as I let my tears fall. Tae really understands me, his words really made me feel confident again.

"Thank you Tae, thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Aww, you don't need to thank me you were there for so many times when I cried and that's what besties are for chimmy. You literally an angel"

This made me smile, we continued to hug each other for a long time. Suddenly there was someone who practically jumped on us, making us fall on the floor.

"Why do guys have to leave me out of the group hug. Uhh I hate you" Namjoon said as he squished both of us under him.

"Go hug your boyfriend this is single gays hug time" tae managed to say. "Yah Joonie you'll crush both of us under you. Get up, let us breath. "

Namjoon got up quickly helping us to get up as well.

"Now better not leave me out the hug next time or I won't let you breath."

"We won't"

"Better. Now a proper hug that I deserve." He said pouting.

Me and Tae looked at each other then smiled mischievously as we both jumped on Namjoon.

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