What is shifting?

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Before we get into the good stuff, for those that don't know what shifting is or would like more information let's start with "What is shifting?" If you'd like to go straight to the guide carry on to the next page :)

As most of you have probably seen on TikTok or any other platform, shifting has been very popular since 2020. But what exactly is "shifting"?

Shifting realities means moving your consciousness from your current reality (CR) to your desired reality (DR). You're able to train yourself to shift to a completely different reality like Hogwarts, The Vampire Diaries, Sex Education or you can even create your own reality by writing it into existence! And yes you can actually see, hear and feel the people in your DR just as you can in your CR. You can't get stuck in your DR but you can choose to stay as long as you like.

Another good question you might ask is, "What happens in my CR when I'm in my DR?". This is where your clone comes in. Your clone is literally a copy version of you and will act just as you normally do, so nobody will suspect you have shifted. If it makes you feel more at ease you can script what you want your clone to do.

The most important question though, is, how can I shift? Like I said, you can train your mind to believe you're in a different reality and one of the ways you can do this is through using "methods" which we'll talk more about on the 6th page. Although methods aren't necessary, they can be extremely useful and a good guide to helping you shift.

I hope this simply answered the question, if not we'll be talking about more specific things in the next pages. If you want to go straight to the basic script template please go to the 4th page.

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