An Antidote

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Falcon's POV

We arrived and saw that Night was laying down, he didn't even lift his head as we flew over him.

When I landed in front of him he said, "Falcon?" and I loosed a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Yeah. It's me. I got it," I told him and he smiled.

"Really? That's good," he replied as he rose to his feet. I narrowed my eyes as I stared at his eyes. They were unfocused as if something was happening.

Rowan came in front of him, "Night? How are you feeling?"

He narrowed his eyes and blinked a couple of times before inhaling deeply through his nose, "Uncle?"

"That is not a good sign-"

"You have the Dragon root antidote and potato, right?" he interrupted.

"Yeah. But why are you-"

"Good. I don't have a lot of time left," he interrupted me and I blinked. I inhaled deeply and the strong scent of blood hit my nose. Night's blood.

"Night. You're bleeding," I said as he staggered. He didn't seem to hear. "Night, you're bleeding. A lot," I growled at him. Rowan immediately turned his gaze to Night.

"Night! Stop! You're going to die from this much blood loss!"

"No!" he snapped. "I made myself clear. We get rid of the thing in my head first!" he snarled at us and I realized something. He was serious. If he went down he would take the thing in his head with him.

"Night-" there was a warning tone in Rowan's voice.

"He's serious! Here! Potato! Dragon root antidote! Take them quickly!" I replied before realizing that the antidote was still in a container and sealed. Rowan immediately opened it and practically shoved it down Night's throat with the potato.

He smiled at us and gave Rowan his paw where there was a massive cut that was bleeding profusely. I stared at it as I cleaned it with my tongue, making sure it didn't become infected. There was something nagging at the back of my mind.

"How in all the stars did you get this? I didn't give it to you. Hiccup didn't-" I stopped abruptly.

"I gave it to myself," he replied and my gaze snapped to him.

"You did this to yourself!" he gave me a look that practically said, 'isn't that what I just said?' "How could you do that! You nearly died!"

"That was the point," he told me as Rowan turned to me.

"Can you heat this up?" he asked me. I obliged him and gave him a steady burn on the metal rod. "Night. This is going to hurt a lot, but you gotta trust me, okay?" he just shrugged.

He placed the steaming metal rod on the wound and I saw Night immediately tense and dig his claws into the ground.

"Now drink all of this," he gave Night three huge containers of water. "Good. You need to eat soon and drink a lot. Let's move you to this stream," he pointed to the stream only a couple of metres from where he laid now. Night nodded before staggering to the stream and placing his forepaw in the chilly water and taking a deep drink.

"It's already working," he said as he laid there.

"What is?" I asked him as he drank some more water.

"The antidote," he replied.

"How did you know that would work?" Rowan asked him.

"I didn't. Pure luck that it did," he replied.

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