Chapter One: Puppies And Kittens

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Titled after Z Nation's..

Puppies And Kittens ; season 1 episode 1

"Shut the hell up before I come back there and shut it for you. And believe me when I say you do not want me to do that." Warren exhaled deep, returning her focus on the dirt road ahead of her. Silence was the only reply she received, giving Warren a moment to think.

But of course, the sweet relief of silent hum ended far too quick and once again, the air filled with bickering. Bickering from three adults, with a kid sitting in between the middle of the three. Well, sitting in between two of them really. The third was in front riding shotgun.

It was honestly laughable, when you think about it.

Three grown ass adults bickering, while a kid sat quietly, but not so contently, in the middle of it all.

"I'm telling you! In a fight between Batman and Superman, Superman would for sure win, ten fold!" Doc argued. He leaned slightly across 10K's seat to better emphasis his point to Murphy, who looked rather offended, to say the least. 10K pressed back into his seat to make himself smaller as to not get dragged into the conversation.

Addy looked back from the front passenger seat, eyes swimming with amusement as her gaze shifted from Doc to Murphy to 10K. The car was silent for a moment as the passengers all awaited Murphy's comeback comment.

"Have you seen the movie?" he replied with a look of complete seriousness.

Once again, silence filled the car and the only sounds noticeable was the rumbling of the road crumbling under the vehicle and the breathing of the five bodies within the metal machine.

Doc bursted out laughing first, Addy and Warren following afterwards and 10K letting out a little chuckle as well. Laughter filled the air as both Doc and Addy tried to get control over themselves. It was amazing how carefree they seemed, considering their circumstances and situation.

After a few drawn out minutes, Doc composed himself enough to state his defense against Murphy's rather ridiculous claim.

"You're damn right I've seen that movie, Murphy." Doc paused before turning to 10K. "Have you seen Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice from 2007?" (AN: just pretend BVS came out in 2007, yah?)

All eyes, besides Warren's, turned on to the young boy. He might've been a teenage boy, but his life had been very different from a normal boy's childhood up to this point. He had spent nearly all 17 years of his life in the woods with his pop, living off the grid. He knew how to survive and how to sustain a life surrounded by trees, but anything childhood related was basically a blank. The poor boy didn't even know what porn was, having been told about it by Doc a long time ago.

"No." came his obvious response.

"Do you want to? Someday?" Addy butted in, watching the gears in her adoptive little brother's head turn.

"I guess?" 10K blurted out, his face wrinkled into confusion, not completely comprehending what Addy was asking. He didn't even know who Batman or Superman were.

"Okay, then no spoilers!" Doc exclaimed, fixing his hands over 10K's ears to promptly muffle what he was saying.

"In that movie, Batman only wins because of the Lex Luthor-Doomsday. He didn't win because he killed Superman. Superman died, but not by Batman's hands. Batman won by default." Doc gave Murphy a look, then shifted his head to 10K. A silent way of saying don't spoil it for him. He lifted his hands off 10K's ears, who grunted at him and fussed with his now ruffled hair. Doc shot 10K an apologetic look and leaned back into his seat, waiting for Murphy to reply.

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