Chapter Three: Fucking Zombies

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Titled and parodied from Z Nation's...

Fracking Zombies ; season 1 episode 2

They could never catch a break.

It had been an hour and still, they had barely made a dent in the herd of walkers surrounding them. It seemed as soon as one body dropped, another two replaced it. Although there was a small gap between the walkers and them due to the number of bodies surrounding the sides of the vehicle, the walkers were not giving up the chance of a fresh, blood filled meal.

Their arms continued to reach forward, teeth chomping the air in their desperation to get at the delicious humans just inches away from their grasp. The thought of biting into that tender flesh and releasing the sweet, rich blood hiding under thin, fragile skin seemed to draw them on.

Aaron was getting tired. He wasn't a fighter, he was a runner. His days outside the walls consisted of fleeing from walkers, keeping in touch with Alexandria and watching groups of traveling people. In the several years he had been a resident at Alexandria, he's probably had to kill less then a hundred walkers. Like mentioned before, Aaron was a runner, most definitely not a fighter.

He could feel his muscles and bones aching and begging for a break under the swings of his arms. He wanted, needed, to rest, but he couldn't. If he did, he'd be putting himself and Daryl, his friend at risk. Not to mention, if they didn't get out of this alive, others of their community would come looking for them, possibly being put at risk as well. Although, to be fair, even going ten feet outside the walls could be dangerous.

"They're just attracting more!" Aaron all, but shouted over the furious wave of groans and moans surrounding them. He was correct. The sound of the walkers caused by their food crazed frenzy was attracting more living corpses to surround the car and its passengers.

Sure, the noise was only drawing one to two walkers every few minutes to join the masses, however that only added more walkers to kill. And of course, more walkers that could potentially add to their demise.

"Just keep swinging! We can beat them!" Daryl replied back, pulling his knife out of the misshapen head of a walker. It fell to the floor in a less then graceful collapse.

What if they couldn't beat them?

"Doc!" Addy shouted through her tears and basically threw herself at Doc's deeply gasping body. She wrapped her arms tightly around him and gave him an air sucking hug.

"Oh, geez! Addy!" Doc said, nearly falling over on to his back. He collected his thoughts for a moment, before returning the hug with one arm, the other holding up his weight.

A few minutes passed before Addy pulled away and gave Doc a big smile, her face still soaked in tears and runny make-up. Not that she cared. She was a queen, with or without make-up, including while sporting a red, bloated face. (AN: stan Anastasia for clear skin🥺♥️✨)

"What the heck happened? I feel like I've been hit with a bigger blackout then that toxic Z Weed I smoked." the question hung so thick in the air that Doc almost regretted asking it. He looked around at his makeshift family and noticed one thing wrong with the picture in front of him. "Hey, where's 10K?"

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