Adventure Awaits! To Treasure Island!

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This is the biggest shopping mall on Melemelee Island in the Alola region. Ash, Gino and company were looking around the store. Gino and Ash come across something that caught their eye.

"What's this? Is it a treat?" Gino picked it up.

"This is a treat of Pokemon Food called a Poke Bean." Rotom said.

"Oh? So it's called a Poke Bean? Which one do you want, Pikachu?" Ash asked. 

"Lana, Mallow, I would like to look at scarves and bandannas for Snowy as well. What do you say, Snowy?" Lillie said.

"Sounds good!" Mallow agreed.

"Let's go." Lana added. 

"Girls really like shopping, huh?" Sophocles sighed.

"Pretty much." Kiawe said.

"Statistics say that when women get asked if they like shopping, more than 87 percent answer that they like it or that they do not dislike it." Rotom explained.

"More than 87 percent?!" Sophocles jumped. They waited on the girls to be finished shopping. "We're finally done shopping now, right?"

"Not yet, Sophocles! Next up is Alola Sunrise! Let's go!" Mallow said.

"What?!" The boys yelled.

"Alola Sunrise! I have been waiting to go there!" Lillie beamed.

"Alola Sunrise?" Ash questioned.

"It's an accessory shop that's highly popular among girls on Melemelee Island!" Mallow explained.

"An accessory shop..." Sophocles slouched over. 

"...that's popular..." Ash said.

"...among girls..." Gino finished.

"Their accessory made from Heart Scales that wash up on the beach, from Sunnygo branches, or from other natural objects are absolutely lovely!" Mallow danced.

"Sorry, I'm going home now. I'd like to feed the food I just brought to the Pokemon at the farm right away, you see." Kiawe said. He hopped on Charizard and flew away.

"Ahh!" Sophocles yelled. It scared Ash and he yelled. "I forgot to water the flowers in the garden! See you!" He quickly walked away.

"The Alola Detective Lucky marathon starts in 17 minutes and 35 seconds!" Rotom counted.

"You set that to record, though..." Gino said.

"A true Lucky fan watches the show both live and recorded! I have to go!" Rotom flies away. Now it's just Ash and Gino.

"Uh, speaking of which, I also have to, uh..." Ash tried to think of an excuse on the spot.

"You'll definitely enjoy Alola Sunrise, Ash!" Mallow said.

"Let's go! You too, Pikachu!" Lana agreed.

They arrived at the shop. It was full of shiny stuff. While the girls were playing dress up, Gino and Ash went to the balcony to get away. They felt a giant breeze and stretched.

"This feels great!" Gino smiled.

"Y'know, I often come here as well to gaze at the sea during breaks. Are you here to keep your friend company? You're a good friend." The lady said. Gino blushed in embarrassment. "Hey, do you see that small island over there?" She pointed over across the sea. "We call it "Treasure Island"..."

"Treasure Island?" Ash asked.

"I like making occasional trips there to gather materials for our accessories. I meet quite a lot of wild Pokemon there too." She said.

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