- The Accident -1-

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Liam P. O. V

Why did he always look out the window each car trip as if there was something more interesting other than the woods filled with different species of plants. It's as if the outside world was allowed to have all his attention pulled towards it because it some how needed it.

"hey, are you ok?" I say with worry trying to get my older brothers attention away from the window. He looks back to me with a pale facial expression, he nods his head in response to my question. He was only 20 yet had the mind set of a parent, he had always been like this since the ''accident" at the house.

We were in the car heading to the court near the city hall. We both knew why we were going there and didn't want to think highly of it. It was because we were going to be separated from each other after our aunt had passed away, she was our care taker after our parents died in the house fire. After she died both of us knew we were going to be separated by the court since he was at the age where he was no more in need of a guardian to look over him.

The driver had stopped by a red light, we were still on the countryside as we made our way into the city. A moose had made its way across the street while people beeped and abused their horns out of frustration as our driver sat silently waiting for the chaos to end.

He decided to go off route as the traffic got bigger, we drove onto the gravel road near farm lands as we notice a child in the middle of the road wearing a worn out dress as she bent to pick something up not seeing the car. I put my hands in front of me and shut my eyes making front of the vehicle get hit by hard force and we go into a tornado tumbling off road as my body gets pressed into the seat.

my chest being restrained by the safety belt as I unbuckel it dropping to the head of the roof which was now bottom, as the car was flipped onto its head off road near the trees, with no windows as everyone was held up by their seat belts hanging upside down dangling.

"mark!, Mark wake up!" I shook my brother as I struggled to release him from his safety belt. He's unconscious with blood running from his mouth. His eyes started to flicker open realizing his surroundings and tried to calm me down as he cupped my face with his bloody hands.

"liam I-I want you to run no matter what you see behind you, run until y-you see the river. Th-they should be a dock there, g-get in the water and hide beneath it." he breathlessly, he pulls at his chest a cough making its way past his lips blood following after it.

"w-why should I run? I-I I have to help you I can't just leave you here!what makes you think I'm leaving! " I sob out my voice shaking trying to convince him for me to stay. He needs my help yet he's pushing me away, again. He always does this and the one time he needs me he doesn't even want my help.

"they'll be looking for us Liam!" he shouts grabbing the front of my shirt.

"now stop trying to play hero and go run ill meet you there. No matter who calls your name or whoever follows you, you run until you get to the river. When you find the white r-rowing boat only get in when you're sure no one can see you."

"why are you telling me all this if you're going to be there!" I raise my voice pushing at his chest.

He brushes his black hair, similar to mine, out of his face as he tried to look me in the eye giving me a reassuring smile.

"well I have to-" a cough stopping him half way "get out of this first." he says with a smirk.

He starts pulling at the strap restraining him, grunts flying past his lips. "the buckel is stuck." he huffs out. Looking around for something to release himself, picks up a disgarded piece of glass pushing it against the belt back and forth. The material pulling apart with a few snaps.

"shit ."he groans disgarding the shard to the ground.

" what what's wrong? "

He looks at his palm, a line going from his thumb to the inside of his palm. My eyes widen at the size of the wound,dispite knowing it was a small gash it must've stung.

Noticing my shock he closes his hand. "it's nothing."

He suddenly drops to the base of the car, landing on he head with a grunt. 

I get out through the window being careful not to press against any glass. I get up brushing away any glass, "OK let's go." I say reaching my hand in to get him.

"ahh, n-no. Carry on. I-I'll meet you at the..." blinking slowly he starts loosing conscious.

"no, non, no, no. 하지마"
No, no, no, no, stop it!

He rolls his eyes looking anywhere but me, "I told you to go, I-I have to... Take a break. Please." he asks looking back at me with pleasing eyes.

"fine." frustrating evident in my tone, I stand back up heading to the entry of the woods.


I looked back a small smile forming at his lips, mouthing reassuring words.

"I love you." he says a light laugh flying past his lips.

I chew on my lower lip holding back a sob, my eyes stoning as the overwhelming feeling to cry hits me. Instead I furrow my eye brows, faining a straight face as I roll my eyes at him. I let out sigh setting foot on a track through the bruslling trees.

A loud boom hits my ears causing me to loose my balance, landing on my hands and knees. Mouth falling open and closed like a fish out of water, nothing coming out in a silent scream  as my ears ring. My hearing being cut off by the sharp ring. I look back to see a cloud g smoke surrounding the car, flames engourging the vehicle.

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