- hunter X hunter - 4 -

3 2 0

Liam P. O. V.

I could feel my eyes flicker open, everything was blurred out trying to gain focus on who was in front of me. I coughed with water trailing after, my chest hurt from each chest compression.

I stood up seeing the same guy from earlier seated next to me panting, he looked a me as if I had rose from the dead. His eyes trailed after me as I stumbled over to one of the trees regaining my balance as I remembered my leg had a wound and grunted to the pain following. I stood on one leg as I kept my other one bent to prevent any more pain.

I could see his face properly this time seeing that his hair was dyed a white blond with black peaking from his roots , his right eyebrows had a line through it, it looked more like a scar than it did an intentional cut.

"w-who are you and why did you just- what were you doing on top of me?"

I said breathlessly trying to figure out why Mark would warn me from strangers after one had just saved my life. I still didn't trust this guy though.

what did mark expect me to do when there was no where else to go but down? Did he have a friend near by willing to help me?
Or did he just think I would make it on my own without his guidance?

My thoughts were cut off by the guy answering my question from before.

" You do realize that, that thing back there could have killed you, your welcome for that by the way. And if you didn't want my help next time just say so, so I know to leave you to the hand of a snipprep." he snapped back, his strong British accent making his answer sound more intimidating than it already was. He stood up and walked to a Boulder buttoning up his white shirt covering up his abs along with the bruse at the bottom of his stomach and tattoos that made its way from his lower stomach to the back of his shoulder and topping it with a denim jacket.

" ya I realize that, I'm just frustrated and confused and-"

" I know, " he said as he pointed to my leg "by the way I'm Christian but call me caleb,"

" I'm Liam."

"so what happened?" he said with a playful smirk as he straightened out his collar and unbuttoning up the first two buttons of his shirt, his playful tone and deep voice made my cheeks flush pink, not knowing why. It's not like I liked him. And honestly by his first impression he's kind of a dick but yet I felt the need to tell him everything and maybe even more just to get him off my back.

" I fell." I flatly say, he rolled his eyes before chuckling slightly.

"off what? A building?" he stared at me questionably before noticing my face and his facial expression softened as he approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder. His hand was some how comforting dispite it being cold to the touch.

"I'm sorry, I actually saw a car before I came here. Was it-" he asked not finishing his sentence knowing I would know the rest.

"ya, something happened OK that's it. That left behind a dead car driver and my brother." I explained to him taking a seat on the forest grounds and placing a hand over my face.

He looked at me with a questioning look.

" what ? " I asked as he slowly approached me.

" I only saw one body in the car. " he said seating himself next to me as he ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"wait, what?! My brother's alive?" I ask standing up from my place looking down to him.

"I wouldn't know I just saw one person in the car. I didn't think the driver had survived so i came here to see if anyone had came from the same crash."

I sat back down losing the little hope I had yet had most of left behind knowing he wasn't a victim to the burn. Caleb sat closer to me wanting to place a arm over my shoulder before I stood myself up not wanting to give in to the emotions that made me the soft kid I once was.

"if you want we can go back to the crash sight?" he said placing a hand over my shoulder.

I flinched making him remove his hand and place it in his back pocket of his denim blue jeans, before noticing my face and the state it was in. I was mad and didn't want anyones help knowing that if I added anyone to what was happening they could get hurt, I just don't want anyones help and if he can't understand that I'll just have to- I have to go before those guys come back. I leaned over trying to get a clear sight of the woods behind us wanting to see any sign of a road not noticing the tears unintentionally running down my flushed cheeks.

"you know we don't have to go back if you don't want us to." he said looking at my eyes as they traced the lining of his face. I pushed his hand away from my face as I wiped my eyes from any sign of my sadness seeping through.

"I don't need your help!"

" well back there it looked like you really needed it."

" well I don't now so you can leave."

Why does he think he can help me, nobody can and everybody should just stop trying to help. People are always putting their time into helping me but what for?

So they can feel like they did something? So they think they actually helped someone when actually they just forced them to open up.

All he did was help me and all I can think is, I should leave before anything else happens . I have to go back and find my brother.

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