- Alley way - 7 -

2 1 0

Liam P O V

I heard a ear piercing sound go through my ears as my eyes started to blur everything in my view. I kept hearing voices that weren't mine and didn't belong to anyone in the car. It sounded like distorted chattering from a far distance and peoples private thoughts.

ugh why isn't my phone working? why is that waiter not serving our table? I think I need the bathroom.

I panted trying to contemplate on what to do or why it was happening in the first place, when I noticed a girls hand slowly reach out to me. I shifted away from the hand.

"I-I, voices p-please make it stop." I said covering my ears, anxiously tapping my foot on the floor of the car.

I could hear the girls voice talk to me calmly, it was faint and sounded like a blur of words.

My breathing got heavier as the voices got louder and I couldn't think of anything else,
"Liam calm down, my name is Emily . we can help you if you allow-"

Befor she could finish her sentence my pain had made it unbearable to take the voices and I had to let it out.

"no-no, just make the voices stop."

I scream out the words my voice getting deeper as I do, this is not me this is not the me I know. while covering my ears and closing my eyes shut as the windows of the car shuttered, Emily and Caleb bent over covering their heads from the flying shards of glass as the shards scattered 1throughout the car, one going through Caleb's hand.

He hissed picking up his head from the stearing wheel, noticing the piece of glass go into the crook of his hand. The incident lead to the car alarm going off making the people inside the diner look outside through the windows giving off questionable stares.

I noticed what I had done, I wasn't trying to hurt the people around me and yet I just put them in more danger.

"Im - sorry." I blurt out after leaving the car with guilt sitting on my chest. I made my way to the alley behind the small food joint and press my back to the stone wall as I slide myself down it.

i seated myself into the wet floor grunting as I remembered my Leg. Surrounding myself with guilt, Sorrow and somehow the smell of shit that came from the trash piles near the back entrance of the diner. I leaned my head against the wall as i kept my other leg straight, the fabric was starting to fill up as the blood was sucked up by the sleeve.

I heard foot steps approaching the back of the alley , I turned my head to see who they belonged to. They were Caleb's, he stopped in front of me my eyes only focusing on his shoes. I roll my eyes in annoyance .

He leaned against the wall before bending down and taking a seat next to me. We were surrounded by the smell of trash and cigarettes.

It reminded me lightly of when my dad would smoke cigars in the staff study with the fire place wood crackling and the smell of wood would coat the room every time the doors would swing open. I would always sit on his lap as he read a book from his shelf. They were mostly historic and would be based on true events.

"why did you follow me?" I asked in annoyance. He forrowed his eyebrows, a smirk making its way onto his face. Both our heads were down. I wanted to run, to run away from this embarrassing moment, knowing that I have no-one to be there with me.

"look I know what happened just freaked you out and maybe even made you question a lot of things but we can help you if you allow us to." his husky voice had reassured me and yet still reminded me of all the horrible things I had done in just one day. 

I sighed running my hand through my hair. I stood up walking past Caleb as I felt his hand grap my arm pulling me back as my back met the wall again. His other arm had leaned against the wall keeping him up as the other one was placed on my chest holding me in place.

"why can't you accept our help?" he asked with his face full of hurt and yet was still furious . My chest was over working itself as I panted heavily seeing the anger in his eyes.

Once again we were a space away from each other and as my anxiety took over my thinking making my brain turn to fog, there was only one thing I thought of doing.

Run! Why can't I run?

Before I could allow anything to happen, his other hand trailed off grabbing my wrist as he placed one arm above my head. I grunt trying to get out of his grasp.

" aren't you going to shit talk me?" he asked his grip getting tighter, why is he doing this?  I noticed his chest moving violently, my gaze averted to his lips. His tongue slicks out moisturizing his lips as it got back into his mouth.

I look down trying to avoid the gaze of his eyes his hand pulls at the tip of my chin yet not as aggressive I thought it would be.

Before I could get my head straight, all rashinal decision making went out the window. Before I got ahold of a breath, I pulled Caleb in by his collar with my free hand and crashed our lips together. Caleb hummed in surprise as his eyes snapped open to my unplanned kiss. Before I could saver the taste of his lips, he pulled away scanning both my eyes with his hand tracing  down from my hand to the side of my body.

What the fuck did I just do?

_ Authors note _

  Cliff hanger 🤪

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