- Breath -

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Caleb P. O. V.

Why the fuck isn't he getting out, oh no.

Who's that, theirs a female figure standing at the opposite side of the rive-
"get out!"

can't they hear me or something they can't be that arrogant.

This isn't working I have to get their attention some how, their head turned to the opposite side of the river where the snipprep stood, they looked up to the giants huge figure as he shook the ground with each step. His brown hair could be seen peeking through the purple blanket that was draped over his whole body covered from my sight.

His raft was tilting over slowly as he tried to keep his balance, keeping the boat up but failed to as his body was hid under the raft leaving bubbles coming from the water.

I couldn't see him come out from the water, the snipprep turned after his victim was out of sight and went back in the same trail. I waited before he was out of sight to save the boy from the raft, I removed my button up shirt and denim jacket leaving me only in my jeans and white sneakers letting my tattoos to roam free a long with the birthmark under my stomach.

I swam to the raft tilting it over only to see his body was going deeper into the river, I took a deep breath filling my lungs as I tried to keep up to his sinking body. His eyes were fluttering shut as his body jolted with every breath he was loosing.

I made it to his body as I carried it bridal style swimming us back to the bank as I placed him down taking a few steps to balance myself.

He looked lifeless with no chest movement making my statement true, even though I didn't want it to be. I knew I couldn't leave him here knowing I can help. Dispite my selfish persona and selfless ego. I was frustrated at the thought of helping him yet scared I might be liable for losing a life.

Uggh why didn't he just get out of the water.

He looked somewhat asian yet mixed but it wasn't obvious which region or country he was from. His hair was black with gold tips, with a well shaped jawline. He was covered in a red crew neck and a white buttoned up shirt under that, that was now painted in mud as he layed on the ground. Under his shirt could be seen a tattoo on his collar bone, it looked like a I looked down to see one of his legs was tied with a piece of fabric, blood staining it red.

I moved the hair that stuck to his forehead out of the way to see more of his face, I panted trying to catch a breath as panic filled my brain. I hovered over his body before plucking his nose close with my two fingers as my eyes traced his lips before placing mine onto his.

That's when my eyes flashed blue as I saw his past go by like memory clips, I had told myself to pull away as my powers had unintentionally went through his memories. I wanted step away from his body and yet I wanted to stay as I was, in the place that I was with my lips on his. As I remembered he could die if I don't do what I'm supposed to be doing which is blow air into his lungs and preform CPR.

I would always be hesitant to touch people after what had happened with my father I was 16 and that's when I had realized I had powers. But now my dad doesn't live with us anymore, I was scared that what I had done with my dad could also do to him.

A cough escape from his mouth with water trailing after it as his eyes started to flicker open and his head tossed and turned to the sides as he sat himself up and stumbled over to a tree, with water coming up after each cough.

"w-who are you ?"

He said Breathlessly while leaning against a tree, one leg slightly bent, with his hand over his mouth wiping away the water from his face.

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