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"Aunty Leigh?" I heard Amy's voice from behind me as I drove through the terrible traffic.

"Yeah, Hun?"

"Can we get pizza tonight? Daddy said we could but we aren't allowed to tell mommy."

I smiled widely and nodded, "I thought you'd never ask. The usual?"

"Yes two large cheese pizzas!" she threw her arms out in exaggeration.

"How about I get you one for yourself?" I ask.

"Yeah a large pizza. One for me and one for you. Not a giant one people share Aunty Leigh," she giggles at me.

"Oh silly me," I reach behind me and tickle her foot, hearing her angelic laughter. We drove back to my apartment and we took the elevator up to the 7th floor. While we stood quietly in the elevator, Amy looked up at me with a questioning look.

"Aunty Leigh, you know how mommy and daddy are married?"


"And I have Aunty Ivy and Uncle Harvey, which is daddy's brother," I smiled down at her.

"Uncle Harvey is my brother too remember? Daddy, and Uncle Harvey are my older brothers like Johnny is an older brother to you."

"I remember, but Aunty Leigh, why don't you have someone like daddy and uncle Harvey?" she asked. I was a little taken back by her question, it's not every day a 7 year old questions me.

The doors opened on to the 5th floor, I stepped out with Amy and pulled my keys out when we got to my front door. "Well... I'm a very busy person and normally to be with someone you need to have time for them."

"Maybe ask someone to do some things for you, so you aren't so busy."

"Why the sudden interest in why I don't have someone, Amy?" I ask, lightly grinning at her, "I've got you anyways, you can be my someone."

"But you can't kiss me and holds hands with me like daddy and mommy do," she scrunches her nose up at me.

"No, but I can do this," I wrapped my arms around her and blew raspberries on her cheek, erupting laughter throughout my lounge room. "Go put your suitcase in your room," I smile at her and she walks off down the hallway. I stood from my crouched position and walked into my kitchen, picking up my phone and dialling the number to the pizza place.


I looked to my left and saw Amy fast asleep on the couch, I lightly smiled, standing up and lifting her up. She clung to me like a monkey as I walked towards her room, I slowly rested her onto the bed and pulled the covers up to her shoulders, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. "Goodnight sweetie," I whisper, turning her pink night light on and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

I grabbed my laptop and phone from my dining room table and walked into my bedroom, getting comfortable in my rather large bed. I looked at the text received from Heath saying that a father with two children shall be arriving around 10 Sunday morning. I sent back and simple thank you and got started emailing, checking articles and arranging meetings. By the time I was satisfied, it was already past 12am. I shut my laptop and put my phone on my bedside table, sliding underneath the blankets and resting my head on my pillow.



"Ok thank you Grace, you really didn't have to work back."

"No it's fine sir, really."

"Alright well, you don't come in until noon tomorrow."

"Ok," she lightly laughs, "And don't forget to contact Miss Miller from Cosmopolitan. I've e-mailed you her e-mail and phone number."

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