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“Eva, clear everything on my schedule from 12 on Friday.”

“But you have an important meeting to attend at 1.”

“You can attend it for me and write notes. I will be busy from 12 onwards and I’m not sure when I’ll be available.”

“Will you be in the office?”

“Yes Eva. I have an interview and it will be conducted in my office. Without anyone else in the room,” I warned.

“Ok, ok don’t get your panties in a knot. Care to tell me what kind of interview it is and who is it with?”

“Styles’ interview.”

It went quiet for a moment before Eva’s voice spoke again.


“Styles. As in Harry Styles. We got in touch and we’ve agreed 12 o’clock, on Friday, in my office,” I shrugged and my tone the same as if it’s no big deal.

“Y-you’re going to be in a room by yourself with the Harry Styles. Once teenage heartthrob of One Direction, now divorced and single may I add with two of the cutest twins ever. Do you even know what can happen in an office with a man and a woman alone?”

“Eva you’re being dramatic.”

“No, I’m being serious. As soon as you see him you will need to change your underwear, and can you imagine what will happen to you when he talks?” she squeals into the phone.


“I’m going to make sure no one is around your office so you two have some privacy and just make sure you guys don’t do anything on the paper work a-“ I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung up on her. I heard a knock at the door and I jogged towards the door calling out for Amy.

“Amy, your friends are here,” I smiled when she ran out and opened the front door. Two girls smiled widely and walked in, hugging Amy. I smiled down at them and looked up, holding my hand out.

“You must be David. I’m Leigh, Heath’s sister,” I greeted David with a warm smile.

“Pleasure to meet you Leigh,” he smiles back widely.

“Shall we go to the park,” I ask out loud and all the girls squealed with excitement and walked out into the hall way.

We all walked down the street to a small park with a playground and park bench close by. The girls ran off to the playground playing all together while David and I sat on the bench.

“So David, tell me about yourself,” I smile lightly at him.

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