Aiga x Reader

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You were never very keen on BeyBlading, seeing it was never exactly your strong point. You tried your very best to learn how to do it, but it never worked out for you in the end.

Nonetheless, you'd passed the BeyCruise criteria without battling, you'd just managed , which puzzled you greatly. You felt horrible for everyone who wasn't able to pass, but you were able to despite barely being able to launch your bey.

 You'd taken a heavy interest in becoming a Beytrainer on the cruise; this was your way of making up for your lack of physical strength to launcha bey. You could do upgrades to Beys and make them into a Super Z bey.

In your time studying different beys and how they worked with their owners, you'd gained the interest of a blader, Aiga Akabane . His interest in you at first was pure curiousity; is she a new blader? If she doesn't Bey, how did she meet the criteria? He would think quietly to himself as he observed you.

Weeks would pass by as he would quietly observe you, pure curiosity turning into a mild flame in his chest. He'd come to admire the way your hair framed your face, the intense gaze on your face as you made your beys, the laughing you shared with Laban and Ranjiro, the soft smile that grew on your face when Chris approved of your work.

God how he wished you'd smile at him like that.

The thought that flickered through his head made his face light up, heart thumping away in his chest. It wasn't often that he felt like this, or rather it wasn't at all that he felt this. He'd felt this way towards one of his fellow BeyBladers, Xhan Bogard, but he'd come to think of him more like a brother; his affection would never be exclusive to him and he understood that.

He felt so strange. He was the  harsh, arrogant Blader. He also felt so silly, someone as sweet and gentle and you could never like someone like him.

He'd eventually start leaving you gifts in the area you worked. They were small at first; a flower the same color as your eyes, a sash that complimented your hair, new and better instruments for you to work with.

The one elaborate gift he left you came in the form of a small launcher, about the size of a tanto, that didn't require much power to launch. He watched your face light up in your work when you discovered it, his eyes gazing at you warmly from his spot. He watched you show it off to everyone in the Cruise, your warm energy radiating around you. You also showed it off to Chris, who gave him a sideways glance ; a very brief glance, but it was enough to scare the shit out of him. How did she know he was there? Had she known the whole time?

It took him several days after that to resume observing you, he felt like his soul had been snatched from his body that day when he'd been discovered.

But the day he returned, you were nowhere to be found.

Have you been away? Where have you gone? Did something happen? His usually stern demeanor was quickly replaced with that of an anxious boy; he was worried about you.

"Yoo-hoo~" He was snapped away from his thoughts by a soft, gentle voice, and his heart leapt into his throat. Usually "yoo-hoos" came only from his sister, Naru, but this voice was... different. A lot more serene, and it had a more graceful aura to it.

He slowly turned his head towards the direction where the voice came from, and his turquoise met yours. You had a warm smile on your face as you stood at the edge of the seat he'd come to welcome as his new hide-out.

"You're very good at masking your presence." You spoke softly, sitting down slowly on the hardy bench. "I almost thought I'd never be able to pinpoint where you were hiding out at, until Chris-san spilled your secret anyway."

You laughed as you watched his face light up , and you swore you could hear Laban and Ranjiro laughing.  He was absolutely shell-shocked. He never expected you to find him, let alone approach him like this.

You scooted a bit closer to him on the seat, his breathing became a bit more frantic as you did. He had absolutely no idea what to do now, all rationality had metaphorically and literally been thrown off the seat.

"I-I, Uh." He fumbled over his words, why was it suddenly so hard to breathe here? "I never thought you'd find me  here."

"Well I never thought I'd have a Blader pining after me, but here we are." You joked. You were now directly beside him, close enough to hear his heart thumping rapidly beneath his jacket and shirt.

"I feel like we should formally introduce ourselves at this point," You not-so-subtly suggested to the Achilles blader, leaning up against his side, your hand sliding over the top of his.

You had to contain your laughter as he fumbled over his mildly formal introduction to you. You told him your name in return, feeling him become a little less tense as you two conversed further.

Meanwhile, from the balcony, Christina Kuroda watched you two, a smug feeling washing over her. She had no idea that the usually hard, proud blader could become so soft in the hands of a woman.

Beyblade Burst x Reader Oneshots, scenarios and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now