Ukyo x Reader + Gender reveal?

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Hey there, I'm back from the dead 

this is a x fem reader, but boys and non-binary folk can switch up the pronouns and read


You paused slightly as you spotted Ukyo winking at a nearby girl. The two of you had only been dating for a month or so, but he always seemed to be flirtatious when it came to the ladies. You frowned to yourself. This had happened every day for the last month...he would flirt with the other girls, even if you were right there. Though you knew that was just his thing, part of you couldn't help but think...did he really want you?

You weren't one to say you had no self confidence whatsoever–your beyblade skills were strong, and you were smart, so of course there were some things you were confident about. But yourself when it came to dating....that was a different story. You weren't the prettiest of the butterflies, and you definitely didn't think there was much about you that was all that great. Ukyo had leapt at the chance to date you–but didn't that mean he was just desperate? What if he'd just been dating you this whole month out of pity? What if he realized how lonely you felt beforehand and just wanted to make you feel better out of the goodness of his heart?

You knew those ideas, as ridiculous as they may sound to someone outside of the situation, made clear sense to you. Ukyo was a good person.  So what if you were his first person he wanted to try and save? You couldn't help but grind your teeth at the knot forming in your stomach with that thought.

You didn't need saving.

You weren't some damsel in distress.

Maybe you had dark thoughts every now and then, but they weren't so much that you were on the edge of committing suicide or something, and you definitely didn't need saving. Least of all from your boyfriend that you really liked.

You had had a crush on him for months before you two started dating...and since you got with him, though you had dark thoughts and self doubts, you fell even deeper in love with him.

As you stood beside him walking down the path to the dojo, you couldn't help but pause in the middle of the path. Xander and the others were also walking with you. Ukyo didn't seem to notice you as he sent finger guns towards another girl who just rolled her eyes and looked away from him. You looked down.

 "If Ukyo isn't happy with me....why don't I set him free?"

"Ukyo..."You murmured. He blinked and turned to look at you. Your other friends also glanced at you. You looked up at him. You opened your mouth. As you stared at his quizzical expression and beautiful face, you couldn't help but dread what you had decided to say. You found yourself quickly swallowing those words and looking away. "Never mind." I can't. I can't break up with him–I can't watch him end up with some other girl. You tightened your hold on your backpack straps. "I'll see you later, I'm going ahead."

"Huh? But Y/N–" He was cut off as you brushed past him, your dark and depressed expression surprising him. His eyes went wide. He and his friends watched as you left.

"Tch, you're an idiot," Yugo muttered. Ukyo blinked and looked at him.

"Huh? How?"

"I have to agree with him here, you're definitely an idiot,"Xander snorted. Even he could see the way your face had fallen once Ukyo flirted with yet another girl. It happened every single time he did flirt with someone.

"What? Don't agree with him!"

"Idiot,"Quon chimed.

"Guys! You're being mean!"

"I don't know if these dumbasses can see it, but have you ever thought your constant flirting with others pisses Y/N off?"Yugo grumbled. Ukyo paused and looked at him, surprise filling his features. Yugo rolled his eyes. "I guess you didn't, huh? Tch. You're an idiot, and you're blind." He moved forward.

"What? Hey! Explain it to me! I don't understand–"

"Go ask your girlfriend. I don't feel like explaining." The others followed after Yugo. Ukyo's brows pinched together in confusion.

Later that evening, when you sat alone in your dorm, boredly flipping through some  magazine  Sasha had lent you for "inspiration" (since she was always nagging at your lack of wearing outgoing things), a knock on your door drew your attention. You closed the magazine and stood up, moving to walk to the door. You opened it and blinked, looking at Ukyo.

"Hm? Uki? What's up?" You asked. The memory of him flirting around once again today threatened to pull your features under a dark cloak once again. Ukyo frowned. You paused. He's frowning? He never frowns. Your heart threatened to sink. Is he here to...

"Can I come in, Y/N?"


He closed the door behind him and you moved to sit back down on your bed. He slipped his shoes off and turned, looking at you. You blinked at him. He started towards you until he was looming over you.

"Ukyo, what–" He suddenly dropped to his knees and slid between your legs, throwing his arms around you and burying his face in your stomach. "Eh?" You blushed a little, but he didn't move.

"I am so, so, sorry."

"Hah? For what?"

"I didn't notice how you'd been feeling." You stared at him. You frowned. And how are you noticing now? You wanted to ask. You paused. Your friends. They must've told him. He sighed a little. "I'll try to stop flirting with people, I just–"

"Hey, I know that's how you are," You murmured. He paused. You moved, brushing your hand over his hair. He looked up at you, blinking. You gave him a soft smile, though hurt was laced between the edges. "I just..." You trailed off. You sighed and closed your eyes. "I know I'm not that great, and there are other girls out there...sometimes...I can't help but just feel like a placeholder for them." Ukyo sat up, his hands resting on your hips.

"You what?"

"I'm a placeholder for someone else.."

Ukyo gave you a hard look.

"You listen here," Ukyo started. You paused. He never used a hard tone with you unless he had a point to get across. "You're not just a placeholder for anyone. Yeah, I may flirt with every girl I see but, I've done it for so long I'm used to it. It's just how I am, like you said."

"Ukyo, I just..."

"What's the matter? What else would lead you to think that?" You looked down, feeling tears sting your eyes. Ukyo's fingers tightened their hold on you a little. "Y/N/N." You paused. Your given name. He never used it, just your nick name. You sighed.

"Well....I were quick to date me...almost desperate seeming. I don't know, somehow I feel like it's a pity thing..."

"A pity thing? Y/N/N, I was quick to date you because I'd had a crush on you for a long time...I really liked you and didn't want to screw up asking you out." You blinked at him.

"Screw it up?"

He let out a short little laugh.

"I guess you didn't really know this but...everyone I flirt with or ask out declines my offer, Y/N. You were the first and only to say you'd go out with me..." You blinked at him in surprise. Ukyo sighed and pressed his face into your stomach. "I'll try to stop the flirting I promise...and you're not a placeholder, or someone I'm dating because I feel sorry for you–you're the only one for me." You huffed. He sighed as you moved to run your fingers through his hair. 

"I swear...I'm all yours."


Sorry for grammar errors and uh

someone apparently wants to know my gender so-

I'm a boy who writes x reader stories-

I'm weird ik

Ok that's all bye

Beyblade Burst x Reader Oneshots, scenarios and preferencesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن