Twenty-Five: Dex

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"Plato!" I hear the word leaves my mouth in a scream, a noise I never though I could make, as I see blood come trickling out from the wound in Plato's chest. Still feeling stunned and shocked, I reel backwards and turn the full force of my gaze onto Edgar, who looks just as shocked as I am. As if he wasn't the one who threw the knife. 

"You !" I hiss, and move towards him, " What the hell ?"

"I..." Edgar says, his mouth still open. He blinks and tries to back away, as if he knows what's coming. 

"You just stabbed Plato!" I cry, grabbing hold of Edgar's shirt roughly. 

He blinks, as if he's still processing what's happened. "I don't...I mean...I...I didn't mean to-"

"I don't care what you meant to do," I snap. "I should've given you this a long time ago." And pulling my fist back, I let it fly right into his face. 

It makes a satisfying crunching sound as it makes contact. "It wasn't meant to hit him!" Edgar cries out, with one hand clutching his face, the other wrapped around my wrist. 

"Right. It was meant to hit me?" I ask, punching him again. 

"Ow! Yes!" he shouts. I glare at him, and he then says, "I...I mean no! I didn't mean to hit anyone!" 

"Don't lie to me." I growl, and kick him in the stomach. I let go of his shirt, dropping him to the ground, and I aim another kick at his leg. 

"What in the world is going on?!" I hear a thunderous voice, and I see that Amar has just entered the room, with a terrified Cassie in tow. 

His brown eyes move from the knife sticking out of Plato to the crumpled form of Edgar on the floor in front of me. Cassie takes in the scene, screeches, and turns to run out the door again, but Amar grabs her arm before she can leave. 

"What are you idiots just standing there for?" he bellows, "Have you no common sense? Dex! Stop beating up Edgar, and take Plato to the hospital wing! Now! He needs a doctor not revenge! Sam, you help her!"

I give Edgar one final glare, and return back to Plato, who's bleeding out on the floor. Sam doesn't meet my eyes as we heave Plato onto our shoulders. 

"The rest of you!" Amar shouts to the others, "Explain! Now!" 

"Well..." Isaac begins smoothly. 

"Not you Initiate!" he pauses and points at Amy, "You! I trust you! Explain!"

"Umm..." Amy begins, as Sam kicks open the door for us to exit. 

We begin to heave Plato down the hallway, it being surprisingly empty compared to the evenings. 

"Hang in there Plato," Sam whispers to him, his face almost as pale as Plato's, "You'll make it. They'll fix you up, you'll see."

"Course they will," I say confidently, "This is Dauntless. Accidents happen all the time."

Sam glares at me, "Just shut up, Dex. This is all your fault."

"My fault?" I hiss back. 

"You were the one taunting Edgar!" Sam retorts, "If you'd just ignored him, he wouldn't have got worked up enough to throw that knife! And none of this wouldn't have happened!" Then before I can open my mouth to respond, he adds, "Plus, you were too busy beating up Edgar to help out Plato!"

"That's not fair!" I say back, my voice nearing a shout, "You taunted Edgar too! I was just backing you up! And besides, at least I was doing something when I was beating up Edgar. What else could I do? I don't know anything about medicine!" I glare at Sam, and then say, "And anyway! I didn't see you doing anything!" 

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