Thirty Four

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Omniscient pov:

Kd was driving around with Monique to find her a house.

So far they been to 5 houses and couldn't find nothing.

Monique wanted a big house but kd refused to give her one because if its going to be just her and Kanari she doesn't need anything over two bedrooms.

"I just don't understand how you can dictate my living arrangements." Monique snapped on him as sat back with a attitude.

"Because I'm paying for the shit so you oughta be grateful." He said.

He had shit to do today and he was taking his time to do something for Monique and she was pissing him off.

He parked in front of a small house and they got out the car.

"This is so small." Monique whined and kd glances at her.

"I don't give a fuck if it's worth the money I'm paying your first 6 months rent and you getting the fuck outta my house." He told her walking to the lock box opening it.

They walked inside seeing a small filthy space.

It was holes in the wall and the floors was chipping.

"Well we can clearly see this not the one." Monique said as they walked around the house.

Kd smacked his lips and the. Turned around leaving out with Monique smiling following him.

It was like the universe didn't want to see her leave.

Kd pulled off driving back to his house getting out the car.

He walked inside then walked to the back seeing Dior sitting in the kitchen on her phone.

"Hey." She said looking up at kd then Monique.

"Wassup." He said kissing her catching her off guard.

Monique walked pass them going to the fridge pulling out food.

"Let me talk to you real quick." Kd said taking his eyes off of Monique looking at Dior.

"Okay." Dior said and got up following kd to his room.

Dior walked in and Kd closed the door behind them as she sat on his bed.

"What we gotta talk about?" Dior asked as she chewed some gum and played with her hair.

"Monique gone have to stay some more time." He said and Dior didn't say nothing.

She was tired of Monique. Whenever her and Kd did something she always came around to third wheel and it pissed Dior off.

"You mad?" Kd asked her eyeing her clothes. She looked like she was about to go out.

"A little." Dior told him.

"Everytime we do anything she's always around and it's annoying." Dior said folding her arms.

Kd walked over to the bed laying back beside Dior and sighed.

"She'll be gone soon." He said.

"But why you all dressed up where you going?" He asked her and she turned around looking at him.

"Well I'm going to meet up with Bianca to see her and Kevin baby you know his funeral next week." Dior said standing up and kd grabbed her pulling her back.

"You got yo license?" He asked her.

"Yeah why?" She said and he grabbed his keys outta his pocket handing them to her.

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