2. Glitches

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Just enjoy. I've got nothing to say.

Guffe's P.O.V

After the whole "I wanna kill you" thing, Fell had Lux and Trust sit in the back.

"If I get killed or possessed by your father again, I'll have my husband kill ever single member of the Cross family" He said.

"You got possessed by Cross?" I said, trying not to laugh.

"You try dealing with a man that took half of your husbands soul and with a ghost vessel of a human that can control anything it wants and tell me how that ended out" Fell said, turning around.

"Dad has half of Sans soul?" Trust asked.

"Oh yes. Sans only has half of a soul now thanks to your dad. Chara managed to make it Cross's a whole, so he's powerful once again. Sans has a cross over his soul, and ever time Cross gets hurt, it hurts as twice to Sans" Fell shrugged.

"Is that why Dad is always sleeping?" Divide asked.

"Oh no. He's just lazy as fries, OH COME ON! THAT PARASITE IS STILL HERE?!" Fell flipped a whole desk over.

"You mean Fresh?" PJ asked.

"Yes. Every time he's around, your cursing turns into a friendly word. Oh I hate him" Fell growled.

"Hate is so not rad bro" We heard.

"I'm so done. CLASS DISMISSED!" Fell said and we all went out of the class room.

"NOW WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHOES!" We heard Fell angrily yell.

"Why does everyone hate Fresh?" PJ asked.

"Well, he is a parasite. And his clothes are so bright it could kill your eyesight" Trust said.

"I think he's wonderful" Pj said to himself in a dreamy voice.

"You know mum and dad won't allow to even go out with Mr. Yolo" Design said. Lemme just say all of Ink and Error kids before I forget. PJ, Guffe, Gradient, Design, Magenta, Coloul, and  Tuhota. I won't even dare go to Geno and Reaper. They have 33 kids. No.

"Does it matter??" Pj asked.

"Little bro, dad is the destroyer of aus. He can easily dust Mr. Yolo if he wanted" Design said.

"Your probably right" Pj said sadly, walking away like somebody would if a person died or something.

"I don't want him hanging out with that parasite" Coloul said.

"Stop saying he's a parasite!!" Goth said.

"But he is!" Tuhota shouted. 

Pj's P.O.V

They don't get it. Even if he is a parasite, he still has a soul and has feelings.

"Yo kid!" I heard and turned around. Mr. Yolo.

"Hi Mr. Yolo!" I said and he smiled. Or, smiled more. He's always smiling from what I've seen.

"What are you doing out here bro? It's not rad to be alone" He said.

"Why does everyone hate you?! Your nothing but nice!*boi you've only been with him for 5 minutes*" I said.

"Hehe. Nobody likes a a person who could get stabbed in the soula and still survive" Fresh said, patting my head.

"But I like you! Your cool!" I pouted, hugging the colorful skeleton.

Fresh's P.O.V

The little error hugged me and I felt a warm feeling in my ribs. What is this?

"T-thanks kid" I said, my shades Yolo sign being replaced with a blush sign.

"Are you...blushing?" He asked.

"I-no!! Not rad bro!" I said.

"Your adorable" PJ said, patting my head this time. My soul in my eye started glitching, so I looked away.

"Anyway, wanna come with me to Grillbys?" He asked.

"Rad bro!" I said, my shades saying yes.

Hope you enjoyed this!!

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