9. The ending

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Hello blooming readers! It's me! Just enjoy!!! This!

Fresh's P.O.V

It took a long while to have the other au's accept me. And then they had to accept the fact me and PJ are together. AND THEN accept the fact we have two kids.

Ink was not happy about that.

"YOU LITTLE SON OF A BITCH MADE MY SON PREGNANT I WILL DUST YOU!" He yelled at me. I jumped back. scared of this ink thing. PJ was trying not to laugh as he held Cil and his dad had Confetti.

"Ermmmmmmm, sorry?" I said. Ink calmed down after yelling at me for another ten minutes and sighed.

"I. I still hate you. But if PJ is happy, I'll let you live. But. IF but, you made him upset, angry, emotional or emo I will burn you alive" He said.

"Ahahahaha righttttt" I said, quickly backing up behind PJ.

"Good" Ink walked away.

"Your parents are scary" I whispered to my little boyfriend. He just laughed.

"No they just want to remind you what will happen if something bad occurs" Error gave me Confetti and I glitched me and my family home.

We put the things to sleep and went to sleep ourselfs.

"I love you Fresh" PJ told me.

I gently kissed him.

"I love you too Jammy"

Awww. A beautiful ending. Sorry this story was short. If I make another story like Fonnie, I'll flip out. Like literally. But I hope you enjoyed this!!!! Have a great day!!!

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